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Bug annoyed asf ! (help) ! RM SUPPORTER

Sep 4, 2015

how many bots is everyone running? i pay for 4 instances, but can only use my 2 free ones. this has been since i became a supporter a few weeks ago. i open a 2nd bot on same comp doesn't work and freezes my rm, clients. can someone help me because i'm starting to get really frustrated. idk if its the client anymore or celestial fisher its self, but someone please help me
@Cloud @Aidden @Arbiter

Please can one of you help me
if this relates to my cpu, being the issue, is a update/project to deduce runemates demand on the comp to make run smoother
Jul 28, 2013
The next release uses less memory per bot instance but a lot of it is caused by the bot author.
Mod Automation
Jul 26, 2013

how many bots is everyone running? i pay for 4 instances, but can only use my 2 free ones. this has been since i became a supporter a few weeks ago. i open a 2nd bot on same comp doesn't work and freezes my rm, clients. can someone help me because i'm starting to get really frustrated. idk if its the client anymore or celestial fisher its self, but someone please help me
@Cloud @Aidden @Arbiter

Please can one of you help me
if this relates to my cpu, being the issue, is a update/project to deduce runemates demand on the comp to make run smoother
This is a tricky one to investigate since it fixes itself in 15 minutes. If you could get on Slack and hit me up the moment it happens, I can try to resolve it.
When it shows you the error of "not enough instances" how many instances does it say there? 2 or 4?
Sep 4, 2015
no @Arbiter that not the issue. i can open up 4 instances, its my computer cant handle it. it'll start making the ones that are open not function properly. the issue is the amount of cpu usage i think, my comp can handle two instances on this comp but im limited to one because of the cpu. is there a fix in the near future to help this out... secondly, idk if its just celesital fisher or the client. its just really annoying...
Sep 4, 2015
when i have two bots running on same comp @ 99% cpu
like does this leave me with no option except run another machine?
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
It doesn't run 2, i run two because i have a labtop running (took battery out)

@Savior @Partyshanked soo .. What should i do / can i do to boost these specs?
Legit can run only one
extend your ram to at least 8gb, and buy a new cpu which fits your current build, OR buy a new pc. you can get pretty good pcs for 400-500 bucks or even less.