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Ample Construction [Deleted]

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mar 30, 2015

Ran it while I went to the store... came back an hour later with 30k less oak planks...Guess it dropped them? Sweet.

It doesn't use any menu items on oak planks (or even right click them) so I doubt that was it


Jan 23, 2017
It doesn't use any menu items on oak planks (or even right click them) so I doubt that was it
that's not even possible.. this is a great bot it got me 99

I'm not disputing that it's a great bot. I'm still using it now and it does run fantastically. I'm just only doing it in the background while I'm doing other stuff on the computer. Supervising it I guess.

I'm just attempting to point out a possible error... which my suspicion is shift dropping. I have it enabled. I'm wondering if maybe the last update was pre-shift-drop. Maybe that's the way. I mean it's gotta be something bot related, because if it weren't, I wouldn't be out 30k oaks lol.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mar 30, 2015
I'm not disputing that it's a great bot. I'm still using it now and it does run fantastically. I'm just only doing it in the background while I'm doing other stuff on the computer. Supervising it I guess.

I'm just attempting to point out a possible error... which my suspicion is shift dropping. I have it enabled. I'm wondering if maybe the last update was pre-shift-drop. Maybe that's the way. I mean it's gotta be something bot related, because if it weren't, I wouldn't be out 30k oaks lol.

The bot doesn't support shit-dropping atm, it literally doesn't drop anything. The only way shift-dropping would occur is if you were to accidentally press the shift button yourself while it was unnoting planks (but even then it would give an error saying "out of oak planks." immediately). I doubt it was bot related
Oct 12, 2016
has problems with right click - remove and right click - build. keeps spamming the right click and eventually clicks on the remove or build
Jan 8, 2015
@Serene Works like a charm!

Not working gif link: http://i.imgur.com/HPjayS7.gif

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mar 30, 2015
Ye, kinda sped up 150% but it's nice! Buying 27k oak planks overnight atm to get me 62-80ish con someday :)

Yeah I'm gonna add a bit of optimization, like keyboard typing and right click enter for building mode. Should speed it up a bit.
Jan 8, 2015
whys ur kitchen so far away LOL

mah man
Because I put it there to have other stuff closer... lol. Should probably move it for next times.
Heck yeah, 82 here I come! Just 23k planks left xD


All right @Serene I'm not sure how this happened... But it crashed:


Some how my (19k) oak planks are gone.
I did see a random event guy (the beekeeper), and when I checked my inventory, they were gone.
Jan 8, 2015
@Serene I just wanted to point out you can enter the house in building mode from the right-click on the portal directly. Could you make it use this instead of going to the house and selecting building mode in chat? I think it's more human-like.

The second thing I noticed was that it went into my kitchen to try and build the table space there when I made it make mahogany tables. For now I have deleted my kitchen to make sure it would go into the (right) dining room.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mar 30, 2015
@Serene I just wanted to point out you can enter the house in building mode from the right-click on the portal directly. Could you make it use this instead of going to the house and selecting building mode in chat? I think it's more human-like.

The second thing I noticed was that it went into my kitchen to try and build the table space there when I made it make mahogany tables. For now I have deleted my kitchen to make sure it would go into the (right) dining room.

Will do with the entering, thought I did it last update but I might be mistaken. For the tables, was this when setting mahogany tables from the start or after changing settings after running oak larders at runtime?
Jan 8, 2015
Will do with the entering, thought I did it last update but I might be mistaken. For the tables, was this when setting mahogany tables from the start or after changing settings after running oak larders at runtime?
Thanks! And I think I may have just misclicked and used the larders instead of the tables. Oh btw, another proggie: http://i.imgur.com/VAKyMj5.png
Apr 15, 2017
Oak larders work flawlessly. For Mahogany tables theres problem, it goes to the small table where theres no mahogany table option instead of the big one.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mar 30, 2015
What room is the small table option located in?
Apr 14, 2017
Please tweak the bot a bit more, it gets the job done but it's flawed sometimes. Once I got stuck at Phials trying to convert banknotes and it wouldn't do anything, there's a lot of missclicks when trying to build, and there's ways to make the bot earn a lot more xp/hr. Other then those it's a great bot thanks for being like the only one to offer a free working construction bot :)

EDIT: Also, I think it drops your planks too, I could've swore I had a lot of planks but in like 30 minutes they were all gone.
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