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Alpha Divination [Deleted]

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Aug 10, 2015
On Radiant energy Spot it isn´t clicking even on a Energy Wisp or on the Energy Rift... Doesn´t Work :/

Clicking broke from a RS update the other day and is still being worked on to be fixed! Hopefully it will be functional soon!
May 27, 2016
HELLO, nice script.

Could you add missclicks as an anti ban?

22/12/2016 i tried to use the script but threw an error at me.
Last edited:
Dec 29, 2016
it's an ok bot I'm botting at the level 95 location, incandescant wisps colony and the problem I have is that the bot will enter the guthiix cache when they happen which i hate because then the bot will be stuck in it for the 10 minutes it last's trying to exit it. I don't know if there's a fix for this or it's simply lag.
Please helpp whenever I have my 2 bots using alpha divination 1 of them will crash at around 2 hours+ mark. I don't know why please help me? should i increase memeory for runemate program or what if so how do i that please?
May 24, 2016
Amazing script however on a £3k Gaming pc this scirpt stutters my PC a lot, I've used almost all of your scripts and this is the one that gives me a lot of lag / pc stuttering no idea why however it is a perfect script and runs flawlessly. I tend not to train divination while at my PC due to the stuttering however if you would be able to fix that I'd probably use all the time!
Jul 16, 2015
Problem when running on Mac OS 10.11.2
Launching bot through terminal command: java -jar -Xmx2048m runemate.jar
Jan 02, 2017 10:16:40 AM javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader$ValueElement processValue
WARNING: Loading FXML document with JavaFX API of version 8.0.65 by JavaFX runtime of version 8.0.45
Jan 02, 2017 10:16:42 AM javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader$ValueElement processValue
WARNING: Loading FXML document with JavaFX API of version 8.0.65 by JavaFX runtime of version 8.0.45
Jan 02, 2017 10:16:42 AM javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader$ValueElement processValue
WARNING: Loading FXML document with JavaFX API of version 8.0.65 by JavaFX runtime of version 8.0.45
Jan 02, 2017 10:16:42 AM javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader$ValueElement processValue
WARNING: Loading FXML document with JavaFX API of version 8.0.65 by JavaFX runtime of version 8.0.45
Jan 02, 2017 10:16:42 AM javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader$ValueElement processValue
WARNING: Loading FXML document with JavaFX API of version 8.0.65 by JavaFX runtime of version 8.0.45
Jan 02, 2017 10:16:51 AM javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader$ValueElement processValue
WARNING: Loading FXML document with JavaFX API of version 8.0.65 by JavaFX runtime of version 8.0.45
Jan 02, 2017 10:16:51 AM javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader$ValueElement processValue
WARNING: Loading FXML document with JavaFX API of version 8.0.65 by JavaFX runtime of version 8.0.45
    at java.util.WeakHashMap$HashIterator.nextEntry(WeakHashMap.java:806)
    at java.util.WeakHashMap$EntryIterator.next(WeakHashMap.java:845)
    at java.util.WeakHashMap$EntryIterator.next(WeakHashMap.java:843)
    at com.sun.javafx.css.StyleManager.forget(StyleManager.java:520)
    at javafx.scene.Parent.scenesChanged(Parent.java:652)
    at javafx.scene.Node.invalidatedScenes(Node.java:832)
    at javafx.scene.Node.setScenes(Node.java:898)
    at javafx.scene.Parent.scenesChanged(Parent.java:656)
    at javafx.scene.Node.invalidatedScenes(Node.java:832)
    at javafx.scene.Node.setScenes(Node.java:898)
    at javafx.scene.Parent.scenesChanged(Parent.java:656)
    at javafx.scene.Node.invalidatedScenes(Node.java:832)
    at javafx.scene.Node.setScenes(Node.java:898)
    at javafx.scene.Parent.scenesChanged(Parent.java:656)
    at javafx.scene.Node.invalidatedScenes(Node.java:832)
    at javafx.scene.Node.setScenes(Node.java:898)
    at javafx.scene.Parent.scenesChanged(Parent.java:656)
    at javafx.scene.Node.invalidatedScenes(Node.java:832)
    at javafx.scene.Node.setScenes(Node.java:898)
    at javafx.scene.Parent.scenesChanged(Parent.java:656)
    at javafx.scene.Node.invalidatedScenes(Node.java:832)
    at javafx.scene.Node.setScenes(Node.java:898)
    at javafx.scene.Parent.scenesChanged(Parent.java:656)
    at javafx.scene.Node.invalidatedScenes(Node.java:832)
    at javafx.scene.Node.setScenes(Node.java:898)
    at javafx.scene.Parent.scenesChanged(Parent.java:656)
    at javafx.scene.Node.invalidatedScenes(Node.java:832)
    at javafx.scene.Node.setScenes(Node.java:898)
    at javafx.scene.Parent.scenesChanged(Parent.java:656)
    at javafx.scene.Node.invalidatedScenes(Node.java:832)
    at javafx.scene.Node.setScenes(Node.java:898)
    at javafx.scene.Parent.scenesChanged(Parent.java:656)
    at javafx.scene.Node.invalidatedScenes(Node.java:832)
    at javafx.scene.Node.setScenes(Node.java:898)
    at javafx.scene.Parent.scenesChanged(Parent.java:656)
    at javafx.scene.Node.invalidatedScenes(Node.java:832)
    at javafx.scene.Node.setScenes(Node.java:898)
    at javafx.scene.Parent$2.onProposedChange(Parent.java:495)
    at com.sun.javafx.collections.VetoableListDecorator.clear(VetoableListDecorator.java:294)
    at nul.iiIIiIiiIiii.case(dua:7690)
    at nul.iiIIiIiiIiii$$Lambda$169/1220570821.run(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl.lambda$null$170(PlatformImpl.java:295)
    at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl$$Lambda$49/428619706.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl.lambda$runLater$171(PlatformImpl.java:294)
    at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl$$Lambda$48/553264065.run(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.glass.ui.InvokeLaterDispatcher$Future.run(InvokeLaterDispatcher.java:95)
Jan 02, 2017 10:16:51 AM javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader$ValueElement processValue
WARNING: Loading FXML document with JavaFX API of version 8.0.65 by JavaFX runtime of version 8.0.45
Jan 02, 2017 10:16:51 AM javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader$ValueElement processValue
WARNING: Loading FXML document with JavaFX API of version 8.0.65 by JavaFX runtime of version 8.0.45
Jan 02, 2017 10:16:51 AM javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader$ValueElement processValue
WARNING: Loading FXML document with JavaFX API of version 8.0.65 by JavaFX runtime of version 8.0.45
unknown path

    at javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader.constructLoadException(FXMLLoader.java:2605)
    at javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader.loadImpl(FXMLLoader.java:2583)
    at javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader.load(FXMLLoader.java:2429)
    at bot.bot26.false(ja:170)
    at bot.bot74.<init>(ka:166)
    at bot.bot20.false(m:86)
    at bot.bot20$$Lambda$845/503929031.call(Unknown Source)
    at bot.bot82.get(ea:98)
    at nul.iiiIIIiiIiii.initialize(wqa:28)
    at javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader.loadImpl(FXMLLoader.java:2552)
    at javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader.loadImpl(FXMLLoader.java:2445)
    at javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader.load(FXMLLoader.java:2413)
    at nul.iiIiiiiiiIiI.null(he:206)
    at nul.iiIiiiiiiIiI.null(he:133)
    at nul.iiiIIIiiIiii.<init>(wqa:190)
    at nul.IIiiiIiIiIII.null(mkb:83)
    at nul.IIiiiIiIiIII$$Lambda$490/1910344740.call(Unknown Source)
    at nul.IIIIIIiIIIiI.null(ooa:152)
    at nul.IiIIIIiIiiII.null(dua:7720)
    at nul.IiIIIIiIiiII.call(dua:19742)
    at javafx.concurrent.Task$TaskCallable.call(Task.java:1423)
    at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at bot.bot74.initialize(ka:99)
    at javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader.loadImpl(FXMLLoader.java:2552)
    ... 21 more
java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException: Task java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask@7f7e4b9a rejected from java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor@1c1d0c8d[Terminated, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0]
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$AbortPolicy.rejectedExecution(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:2047)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.reject(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:823)
    at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.delayedExecute(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:326)
    at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:597)
    at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.core.EventDispatcher.addListener(fza:192)
    at bot.bot20.onStart(m:139)
    at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractBot.start(cza:118)
    at nul.IIIIIIiIiiii.run(csb:133)
Jan 02, 2017 10:16:53 AM javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader$ValueElement processValue
WARNING: Loading FXML document with JavaFX API of version 8.0.65 by JavaFX runtime of version 8.0.45
Jan 02, 2017 10:16:53 AM javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader$ValueElement processValue
WARNING: Loading FXML document with JavaFX API of version 8.0.65 by JavaFX runtime of version 8.0.45
Jul 17, 2016
Great bot but it stops running after like 2 hours randomly. Any idea why this happens? no crash or error message just stops. i run 2 bots of this and 1 will stop. :(
Sep 30, 2016
Just a heads up, this bot is currently not working on elder energy rift. It is currently getting to the point where it's inventory is full, the bot status switches to the status of converting to energy at rift, then the mouse doesn't seem to move over the rift at all. Figured people would want to know :)
Jan 21, 2017
hi, i am wondering if i am doing something wrong with this bot i used it for about 7-8hours and only obtained 100k xp.... at lustrous wisps with bonus xp aswell ,any help would be greatly appreciated
Jan 31, 2017
The bot just gets stuck at elder wisps? collects to full and then just stands there.. Seems to be happening on all the bots
RuneMate Staff
Oct 2, 2015
Still having issues exiting cache


04:21:32 - [DEBUG]  RegionPath from Coordinate(2288, 3060, 0) to Coordinate(2294, 3063, 0): Path[Coordinate(2288, 3060, 0) -> Coordinate(2288, 3061, 0) -> Coordinate(2289, 3061, 0) -> Coordinate(2289, 3062, 0) -> Coordinate(2290, 3062, 0) -> Coordinate(2290, 3063, 0) -> Coordinate(2291, 3063, 0) -> Coordinate(2292, 3063, 0) -> Coordinate(2293, 3063, 0) -> Coordinate(2294, 3063, 0)]
04:21:33 - [STATUS] Harvesting Incandescent wisp
04:21:35 - [STATUS] Harvesting Incandescent wisp
04:21:36 - [STATUS] Harvesting Incandescent wisp
04:21:50 - [STATUS] Enriched wisp found, harvesting it.
04:21:52 - [STATUS] Harvesting Enriched incandescent wisp
04:21:54 - [STATUS] Harvesting Enriched incandescent wisp
04:22:30 - [STATUS] Converting memories to Energy
04:22:30 - [DEBUG]  Interacting with rift
04:22:35 - [DEBUG]  Waiting for all memories to be converted
04:22:42 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:22:44 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:22:45 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:22:50 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:22:51 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:22:53 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:22:56 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:22:57 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:22:58 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:22:59 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:00 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:02 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:04 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:07 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:08 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:09 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:10 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:11 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:13 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:15 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:18 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:21 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:21 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:22 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:24 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:25 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:26 - [DEBUG]  RegionPath from Coordinate(5793, 5787, 2) to Unstable rift [5792, 5792, 2]: Path[Coordinate(5793, 5787, 2)]
04:23:27 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:30 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:32 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:34 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:36 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:39 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:40 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:45 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:47 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:49 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:52 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:53 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:56 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:23:57 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:00 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:01 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:02 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:04 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:05 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:08 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:13 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:14 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:16 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:17 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:18 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:20 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:22 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:23 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:25 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:26 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:28 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:29 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:32 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:35 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:37 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:39 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:41 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:43 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:46 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:47 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:48 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:50 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:51 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:52 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:53 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:54 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:56 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:57 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:58 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:24:59 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:00 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:01 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:04 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:05 - [DEBUG]  RegionPath from Coordinate(5793, 5787, 2) to Unstable rift [5792, 5792, 2]: Path[Coordinate(5793, 5787, 2)]
04:25:07 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:09 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:10 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:12 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:14 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:15 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:16 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:17 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:19 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:20 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:21 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:23 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:24 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:25 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:27 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:28 - [DEBUG]  RegionPath from Coordinate(5793, 5787, 2) to Unstable rift [5792, 5792, 2]: Path[Coordinate(5793, 5787, 2)]
04:25:29 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:32 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:34 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:36 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:37 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:38 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:39 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:40 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:41 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:43 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:44 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:46 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:49 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:50 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:52 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:53 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:57 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:25:58 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:00 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:02 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:04 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:07 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:08 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:17 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:19 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:20 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:22 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:23 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:27 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:28 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:29 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:32 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:33 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:34 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:36 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:38 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:42 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:44 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:45 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:47 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:49 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:50 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:53 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:56 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:57 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:26:59 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:00 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:01 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:02 - [DEBUG]  RegionPath from Coordinate(5793, 5787, 2) to Unstable rift [5792, 5792, 2]: Path[Coordinate(5793, 5787, 2)]
04:27:03 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:05 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:08 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:10 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:11 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:14 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:15 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:16 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:18 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:19 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:20 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:22 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:24 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:25 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:26 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:28 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:29 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:31 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:32 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:35 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:37 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:38 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:40 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:43 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:45 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:46 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:47 - [STATUS] Exiting Cache
04:27:48 - [STATUS] Player has been idle for 298 SECONDS, stopping bot.
04:27:48 - [STATUS] Time ran: 04:27:48
04:27:48 - Profit:
04:27:48 - [STATUS] Thanks for using Alpha Divination
Dec 19, 2014
hey when i leave it over night at brilliant wisps its usually in canifis when i wake up near the lodestone... since im sleeping i havnt seen what happens.. but im guessing it just clickes the tp to lodestone..

been using this since before spectre prob.. my fav bot on runemate
Feb 18, 2017
I notice that sometimes, the bot will start harvesting wisps before it has fully converted the memories (so far noticed at lustrous wisps). Could you please fix this? Thanks.
Jan 25, 2015
Please, add support to activate divination Aura from equipments. This give us better exp/cash rates.
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