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- #1
Alright so What this does is When you are in a certain location it initiates a Timer, & if you aren't in that location the timer is canceled and is removed. I need some advice on how I could improve this.
package com.rs.game.player.wilderness;
import com.rs.game.player.Player;
import com.rs.game.player.controlers.Wilderness;
import com.rs.game.tasks.WorldTask;
import com.rs.game.tasks.WorldTasksManager;
* @author Tafanii
* Wilderness Time count
* @Sketchy ass timer lmao
public class Timer {
private Player c;
public Timer(Player c) {
this.c = c;
public String chat(String text) {
return text + "";
public void sendTimer() {
c.cancelTimer = false;
System.out.println("Timer Initiated - "+c.timeCount);
c.getPackets().sendHideIComponent(745, 6, true);
c.getPackets().sendIComponentText(745, 5, "" + c.timeCount);
chat("PvP Timer: "+c.timeCount);
public void hideTimer() {
//hide timer
public boolean isAtDitch() {
if (c.getX() >= 3039 && c.getY() >= 3523 &&
c.getX() <= 3303 && c.getY() <= 3524) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean cancelTimer() {
System.out.println("Timer Canceled");
c.timeCount = -1;
return false;
public void callTimer() {
chat("Timer inited.");
c.timeCount = 10;
public void countDown() {
WorldTasksManager.schedule(new WorldTask() {
public void run() {
if (c.timeCount <= -1) {
System.out.println("[PvP Timer] has Reached ending sequence state");
c.getPackets().sendHideIComponent(745, 3, false);
if (c.getControlerManager().getControler() instanceof Wilderness) {
if (!isAtDitch()) {
c.getPackets().sendHideIComponent(745, 3, false);
c.timeCount = -1;
}, 0, 1);