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Request Add a scammer accusation subforum

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Apr 15, 2017
It would be nice if scammers (with proof provided) actually got banned off of Runemate as it'll slowly overtime cause the general trading subforum to be filled with scams and other toxicities into the community.

With that being said,
The number of staff vs the number of open scam reports is ridiculous. (just ranting) If you opened a subforum like this for others to post threads of scammer accusations users like myself could review and make determinations to keep the community safe and clear of scammers.

Just a idea do with it as you will /rant over



Jun 9, 2015
im just surprised there isn't a dispute section for private script disputes and off site scams. though they would lose 1/3 of their active posters if they banned for offsite scams...
Feb 18, 2017
Support. They need to ip ban scammers as well, or they come back. Yeah, they might use VPNs and such, but at least it will throw them off a bit.
Apr 15, 2017
Support. They need to ip ban scammers as well, or they come back. Yeah, they might use VPNs and such, but at least it will throw them off a bit.
I've seen at lest 3 cases of where someone was accused of scamming, some proof was shown and didn't see a single message or w/e from a staffer besides @kazemanie here and there.
It would be nice to see some people in control of this stuff because this is exactly how powerbot's general market turned into shit.
Apr 15, 2017
Staff should be in control, not users.

A subsection is nice, but not for people to post on.
If staffers can't even control the current situation, what makes you think they could control an additional subsection?
I'm not purposing that random people be in charge of it but maybe certain people would be, like you or me.
We wouldn't just 'ban' someone, we would review the evidence provided, make our own judgement call to go forward and then all the staffers have to do is ban if they feel it's just.
Why wouldn't you want this done? Literally almost any forums I could name to you do this exact thing.
12 year old normie
Jan 8, 2015
If staffers can't even control the current situation, what makes you think they could control an additional subsection?
I'm not purposing that random people be in charge of it but maybe certain people would be, like you or me.
We wouldn't just 'ban' someone, we would review the evidence provided, make our own judgement call to go forward and then all the staffers have to do is ban if they feel it's just.
Why wouldn't you want this done? Literally almost any forums I could name to you do this exact thing.
Because you'll get authoritarian-horny kids trying to be the judge over stuff they shouldn't even mingle in. Staff is handpicked and guaranteed to be the best in solving matters like this.

An extra subsection only creates more structure in what is nonexistent at the moment. If anything it'll make it easier for staff to keep track of reports and disputes.
Mar 24, 2017
Doubt it. This isn't a trading forum, it's a botting forum. If the option is A: Moderate the trading forum properly or B: Get rid of it, I'm pretty sure it'll end up being B.
Apr 15, 2017
Nonexistant? I could literally link you to 3 threads alone where someone was accused of scamming and nothing done about it. The thought of a scam free runemate right now is far from true. You don't allow posting ability's to those that aren't promoted to such subsection. That's not hard to do, nor would it be a waste of time. If anything, imo, not wanting a scam section only introduces more scammers to the forum and promoting such behaviors. I don't care if it's a botting forum or trading forum, trades happen on here every day. You can't honestly tell me nobody here was scammed in the last 2 days because I just skimmed a thread where someone did scam....
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mar 30, 2015
Nonexistant? I could literally link you to 3 threads alone where someone was accused of scamming and nothing done about it. The thought of a scam free runemate right now is far from true. You don't allow posting ability's to those that aren't promoted to such subsection. That's not hard to do, nor would it be a waste of time. If anything, imo, not wanting a scam section only introduces more scammers to the forum and promoting such behaviors. I don't care if it's a botting forum or trading forum, trades happen on here every day. You can't honestly tell me nobody here was scammed in the last 2 days because I just skimmed a thread where someone did scam....

I'm pretty sure Derk meant structure is nonexistent atm, not the scamming.

But a subsection wouldn't hurt. I think the idea of having normal users control it is a bad idea. Forum staff and above.
12 year old normie
Jan 8, 2015
I'm pretty sure Derk meant structure is nonexistent atm, not the scamming.

But a subsection wouldn't hurt. I think the idea of having normal users control it is a bad idea. Forum staff and above.
That is what I meant. I'm all for the section, not so much for people playing judge.
Apr 15, 2017
I'm pretty sure Derk meant structure is nonexistent atm, not the scamming.

But a subsection wouldn't hurt. I think the idea of having normal users control it is a bad idea. Forum staff and above.
I also disagree with this.
If @kazemanie really is the only staffer that cares, you're really gonna have 1 person control an entire subsection when they can't even control it themselves as is?
Not some random person someone with a bunch of vouches, trusted or something. Shit I could count 5 people right now...
12 year old normie
Jan 8, 2015
I also disagree with this.
If @kazemanie really is the only staffer that cares, you're really gonna have 1 person control an entire subsection when they can't even control it themselves as is?
Not some random person someone with a bunch of vouches, trusted or something. Shit I could count 5 people right now...
A section creates a clear structure in posts that are now scattered or submitted privately. A section won't add to the confusion, but will make it more bareable.

You don't need people playing the judge, there's staff members for that. Even if they take a little longer, you just have to be patient.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mar 30, 2015
Report a Scammer Archive
d2jsp Forums - Invalid Action

That's like 3 examples of what I'm purposing to be added to the forums, it wouldn't hurt the forums if anything it'd be the norm because everyone else does it.

Yeah maybe they take the time but idk it's tiring to see ppl getting scammed and 0 done about it. Just me I guess.

I don't' think anyone here is arguing that the section shouldn't be added or that it wouldn't be useful.. the only debate in the thread atm is on who should control that section if it were to be added. There are more forum mods than just Kaze, I think if anything they can handle it. And if not, it would probably be better to add to the forum staff team as opposed to allowing random normal users control that section
Mar 15, 2017
Runemate is primarily a botting forum so it's understandable that its marketplace isn't a priority.

However, I think it'd be a good practice to start banning scammers who've already been banned elsewhere. It would improve the overall quality of our forums, as trading is a huge aspect of any Runescape forum.

There already have been multiple instances of repeat-scammers targeting Runemate. The Zerot guy scammed multiple people here selling faux codes (that didn't work). He had already been banned from multiple forums for scamming, and it could have been avoided.

Right now, the virtualsales guy is attempting to trade on this forum. He is labeled Do-Not-Trade on Sythe, after multiple scam reports against him. He even attempted to scam me. He is a repeat-scammer that uses multiple aliases and it'd be best if people like him are not welcome.
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