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Resolved 2000 hours out of nowhere?

Jan 22, 2017
You also need to decide which account you want to use, multiple accounts is against the rules so one of your accounts will be banned.
There's nothing to discuss here. The system is working perfectly at catching people trying to get around the rules. For a detailed description of the rules see Tutorial - Billing and Payment FAQ. If you still don't understand what's happening then breathe, count down from 5, and read the thread again. Rinse, wash, and repeat until you understand. :)

Hey, can you tell me explicitly what rule I have broken? I couldn't find it on that page that you've linked me to. I Just wasted 15 minutes reading it. Thanks
Community Manager
Apr 7, 2015
Hey, can you tell me explicitly what rule I have broken? I couldn't find it on that page that you've linked me to. I Just wasted 15 minutes reading it. Thanks
The rules include having multiple accounts.*
(*which means you cannot have multiple accounts.)
Jan 22, 2017
The rules include having multiple accounts.*
(*which means you cannot have multiple accounts.)

And the link between that and having 2000 hours taken out of nowhere is?

Like I've mentioned above even if the system recognizes I have another account with 3000 hours inside shouldn't it add another 3500 on top and give me 6500 total hours with 3500 available ? Since I paid for 2 seperate subscriptions
Community Manager
Apr 7, 2015
And the link between that and having 2000 hours taken out of nowhere is?

Like I've mentioned above even if the system recognizes I have another account with 3000 hours inside shouldn't it add another 3500 on top and give me 6500 total hours with 3500 available ? Since I paid for 2 seperate subscriptions
I don't have the patience to discuss this with you.
How it works doesn't really matter, because as long as you only use one account you'll most likely never run into any issues with the system.
Jan 22, 2017
I don't have the patience to discuss this with you.
How it works doesn't really matter, because as long as you only use one account you'll most likely never run into any issues with the system.

That's good, you never gave any valuable input either.

Your so called 'perfect' system is clearly flawed and you're using the fact of me having 2 accounts to side track and cover that up.
Mod Automation
Jul 26, 2013
You clearly did not follow my instructions.

Hint: Combine the runtime of both your accounts over the last month. Do *not* combine subscriptions across accounts. That is how many hours you've already used and how many you are allowed. Then apply the logic and examples from the thread I linked you to.
Community Manager
Apr 7, 2015
That's good, you never gave any valuable input either.

Your so called 'perfect' system is clearly flawed and you're using the fact of me having 2 accounts to side track and cover that up.
The system is in no way my own, nor do I state that in any way. I just know from my own experience that if you don't do these stupid things the system will do what it's supposed to do.
Jan 22, 2017
You clearly did not follow my instructions.

Hint: Combine the runtime of both your accounts over the last month. That is how many hours you've already used. Then apply the logic and examples from the thread I linked you to.

No, You clearly did not read what I said or you failed math.

My previous account I bought 3000 hours and I used 3000

Total hours atm - 3000
Hours used - 3000
Available - 0

I made this acc 2 days ago. Bought 3500 hours and I used 300 so far

Total hours atm - 3500 + 3000 = 6500?
Hours used - 300 + 3000 (3300) (supposedly) but the graph is telling me 2300+3000 = 5300. So there's an extra 2000 hours?
Available -3200 by math (but it says 1200 ?)

Your thread explicitly says '
Do Subscriptions Stack?
Yes, subscriptions stack with each one lasting a month from the time it was purchased.'

Okay, so where's my 6500 hours ? I purchased 3500 and 3000 separately .
I'm not sure how to break this down further please put in some
Effort to understand
Mod Automation
Jul 26, 2013
Total hours atm - 3500 + 3000 = 6500?
That's the part you have wrong. Since you bought the first 3000 on another account they don't count towards this account. Subscriptions stack, but only on the account you bought it on, not across multiple accounts. You shouldn't have multiple accounts to begin with, but in addition subscriptions are tied to specific accounts.
Jan 22, 2017
You clearly did not follow my instructions.

Hint: Combine the runtime of both your accounts over the last month. Do *not* combine subscriptions across accounts. That is how many hours you've already used and how many you are allowed. Then apply the logic and examples from the thread I linked you to.

Even if I do not combine the subscription, I already purchased a new 3500 hour subscription since my previous 3000 subscription was purchased more than a month ago and has expired, so I'm entitled to 3500 more hours . Isn't this correct ?
That's the part you have wrong. Since you bought the first 3000 on another account they don't count towards this account. Subscriptions stack, but only on the account you bought it on, not across multiple accounts. You shouldn't have multiple accounts to begin with, but in addition subscriptions are tied to specific accounts.

Great , so the earlier staff was telling me they stack between accounts and now you're saying it doesn't .

Either way , from what you're saying, you're telling me subscriptions are unique to each account and in that logic, I'm entitled to 3500 more hours
Mod Automation
Jul 26, 2013
I'm entitled to 3500 more hours . Isn't this correct ?
No it is not. You are entitled to 3500 hours in the last calendar month. So from December 25th to January 25th you are allowed to have up to 3500 hours. You have already hit that limit. This information is clearly laid out in the thread I linked you to including examples. I have thus far been very patient with you, but this is where my hand holding ends. I think you're very close to figuring out where you messed up. You thought you could create a new account to get rid of the last month of usage, so it would be like you never used those first 3000 hours. But now you're realizing that that usage follows you even if you make a new account. Next time I would advise not trying to bypass the rules and simply increasing your subscription if you find yourself using more than you've bought.
Jan 22, 2017
No it is not. You are entitled to 3500 hours in the last calendar month. So from December 25th to January 25th you are allowed to have up to 3500 hours. You have already hit that limit. This information is clearly laid out in the thread I linked you to including examples. I have thus far been very patient with you, but this is where my hand holding ends. I think you're very close to figuring out where you messed up. You thought you could create a new account to get rid of the last month of usage, so it would be like you never used those first 3000 hours. But now you're realizing that that usage follows you even if you make a new account. Next time I would advise not trying to bypass the rules and simply increasing your subscription if you find yourself using more than you've bought.

Oh my god, are you kidding me, this it totally not what I was trying to do or meant. Can you stop and think if I was trying to make a new account and get 3000 free hours why would I purchase a brand new 3500 hours subscription ? I clearly said earlier that I made a new account to avoid the 1 day delay it took before for the hours to reset so I could start botting again immieditely . I know I have not broken any rule when it comes with payment/billing. Please review what you have just said and stop threatening me when I'm clearly not in the wrong.
No it is not. You are entitled to 3500 hours in the last calendar month. So from December 25th to January 25th you are allowed to have up to 3500 hours. You have already hit that limit. This information is clearly laid out in the thread I linked you to including examples. I have thus far been very patient with you, but this is where my hand holding ends. I think you're very close to figuring out where you messed up. You thought you could create a new account to get rid of the last month of usage, so it would be like you never used those first 3000 hours. But now you're realizing that that usage follows you even if you make a new account. Next time I would advise not trying to bypass the rules and simply increasing your subscription if you find yourself using more than you've bought.

And like I
Said I bought 3000 hours from 22 December to 22 January . And I just bought another 3500 hours on 23 January. On seperate accounts. Why does 2000 hours get deducted on my second account. Where does the figure 2000 come from????
Mod Automation
Jul 26, 2013
I don't recall threatening you, but that's besides the point. As a last ditch effort to help you make sense of this I've added the usage detected by multiple accounts to the graph above the hours table on the Services page. That should explain where the 2000 hours comes from.
Jan 8, 2015
I'd love to come here telling you you are wrong, but stating the part that @Arbiter wrote one page back will suffice.

Re-read this thread, like I did, and you'll understand that multiple accounts don't stack in hours (and why should they, if it'/ms against the rules).

Therefore you have gone way over the limit.
Jan 22, 2017
I don't recall threatening you, but that's besides the point. As a last ditch effort to help you make sense of this I've added the usage detected by multiple accounts to the graph above the hours table on the Services page. That should explain where the 2000 hours comes from.

? I don't see anything you've added . Still doesn't explain to me where the 2000 hours come from.

Sorry i really tried my best reading that thread you've linked and what you've said over in this thread multiple times but i still don't understand where my 2000 hours went to.

I'd love to come here telling you you are wrong, but stating the part that @Arbiter wrote one page back will suffice.

Re-read this thread, like I did, and you'll understand that multiple accounts don't stack in hours (and why should they, if it'/ms against the rules).

Therefore you have gone way over the limit.