@Party I was just thinking about a good way to train smithing and realized that repairing the wheels at motherlode mine and hopping worlds would grant pretty good xp rates and be completely free. The only item required is a hammer.
Hi all,
I really want a good working Blast Furnace bot. The one on the bot store doesn't work really good. Alot of errors.
This will be a good script for everyone because you also can make big money with it, and train your smithing!
Most boring and repetitive things and there are no scripts for them, if there are bots for them they are outdated and haven't been touched and no real reason.
I strongly believe a lot of players will benefit from this bot considering it is an effective money-making method. I would also gladly pay out of pocket for this to be made.
Game type: Old School
Bot Type: Smelting (furnace)
Game Type: Old School
Bot Type: Smelting with Cannonball support...