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  1. N

    im a dirty osrs sweat. i hate going outside and i dream of maxing with little effort

    im a dirty osrs sweat. i hate going outside and i dream of maxing with little effort
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    Cuppa Agility AIO (LITE) [Deleted]

    Huge release mate, just happens that I'm on the graceful grind ATM so will be one of the first to give this a whirl!! Congrats
  3. N


    Yo everyone who uses this at the woodcutting guild for magic logs, what is your break schedule like? and how long has your magic log alt survived
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    Regal FlyFishAndCook [Deleted]

    Dogshit account anyway man, dont worry to much. ive lost 1800+ pure 2 pets//2 1500+ ironman 2pets in all seriousness, sounds like an issue with ip addresses causing that quick perm. check ur proxies and how many accounts you got going
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    Hexis Blackjacking

    It does have some faults; it loves to stop for no reason when it should have a work around to stay running and not cost the buyer extra credits. "The bot will stop if you dont enable killing other bandit" Bit hard to kill a bandit with drained stats from wines most of the time. It also seems...
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    Cuppa Herbiboar [Deleted]

    Gz on the release, Really look forward to trying this. Need myself a pet on the recent project
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    Cuppa Chinchompas [BETA] [Deleted]

    Hey bro i ran this at red chins and it is fairly decent, only thing is it doesnt pre walk on spots and thus is -20k exp an hour on prime hunter at higher levels
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    Universal SafeSpotting Bot [Deleted]

    Whats the main purpose of this? is it for afking high hp bosses? UNLESS, does this work for afk spots at crabs? :O
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    Succulent 3T Hunter

    Np! - Help me, help you! love the script, however i did get banned on my last project using this, the account already had a 2day from deathwalking though; basically got crashed by a 2k total iron who came back twice within a 4hr period ish so must have mass reported in his CC. I use expressVPN...
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    Succulent 3T Hunter

    Hey bro. Getting a problem with the 3t cycle atm, bot is cleaning to many guams when it fails a cycle and wont re-start due to amount of clean Guam leaf's. I play on 200ping not sure if this is the issue here.