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  1. B

    VisualRM [BOT] [Deleted]

    Bot is amazing... haha took me like 8 hours to create a nightshade picking bot tho... kept being stupid lol... and kept coming up with fixes etc... anyway its finally working. just a bug i noticed tho i had to rename it... if you have 2 variables with the same name... for example i name a...
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    ApexMiner PRO [Deleted]

    it said its updated. whats the update notes? :D
  3. B

    ApexMiner PRO [Deleted]

    I havnt completed that achievement yet no... but after restarting the bot its worked fine since. Just unsure why it was doing it that time. And awesome sounds good about the scrolls when should we expect next updatw? :)
  4. B

    ApexMiner PRO [Deleted]

    Wait it is actually... I thought I didn't see it my bad haha :) Ok so bug I have found. Please fix when you can :) When skilling in the empty throne room senntisten scrolls have a chance of showing up... Can you please make the bot either destroy them if they do show up or go turn it in where...
  5. B

    ApexMiner PRO [Deleted]

    my set up is the character zoomed out so it can see more of its surroundings, then chatbox in bottom left made small so it can see more, my health next to it, also made my character legacy mode combat so it got rid of the special attacks bar, inventory off to the bottom right of the screen made...
  6. B

    ApexMiner PRO [Deleted]

    One location for coal is the mining guild in falador :) However I have just noticed something about mining guild. It will only go down the steps and then either go into the extra dungeoneering requirement section or mine runite ore. It will not travel further in to mine orichalcite… like it...
  7. B

    ApexMiner PRO [Deleted]

    ... he said he would fix it for you mate. he wasnt having a go. just send him log file so he can fix. EDIT: Whilst im here tho. Suggestion to add more location for coal. One in varrok uses crappy travel system like you said lol :P
  8. B

    ApexMiner PRO [Deleted]

    Feel free to take care of the navigation manually for everything haha :D , nah dont have to but if every location was as smooth sailing as Tirannwn is atm it would be fantastic. A lot of other locations are touch and go as far as travel goes, but not your fault as you said its cause of runemates...
  9. B

    ApexMiner PRO [Deleted]

    Unsure how much you could read into it... but maybe its just my pc specs or something. But i have 2 accounts running, One is mining light animica pretty well actually. however i was suicide botting and left it alone for like 6 hours while i was at work... and came back and it said it only mined...
  10. B

    ApexMiner PRO [Deleted]

    As i said in my last post :) it does work using presets :) just need to make one that has your current ore box in your inventory :) will be much better. If you dont know how to make im sure google has a tutorial somewhere lol
  11. B

    ApexMiner PRO [Deleted]

    Awesome now whens this being released lol?? choppy chop haha. pweaaseeeee Mining seems to be working really good now, detects the rockertunities well etc. Only thing i encourage to work on, is the walking to and from mining locations and banks. And how it banks items... it just randomly skipped...
  12. B

    ApexMiner Lite [Deleted]

    It may happen at other banks too but the varrok east bank when mining dark animica (possibly other ores) but there is a gap either side of the bank booths that characters can walk to. The character sometimes walks to the right hand side of the bank booths and constantly clicks bank banker and...
  13. B

    ApexMiner Lite [Deleted]

    So its a long shot... but could you potentially add the option to mine 2 to 3 or 4 ores at once if they are in the same area? Like Varrok west has tin, copper, iron and mithril and you can hold 100 / 120 of each of those ores in the same ore box at once. so could potentially bank with 480 ores...
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    ApexMiner Lite [Deleted]

    haha gosh... hurry it up runemate lol. Is there any other additions or fixes in the update or just the light animica location?
  15. B

    ApexMiner Lite [Deleted]

    Estimated wait times for approval? new ish here.
  16. B

    ApexMiner Lite [Deleted]

    Please add light animica support near kharidian desert, closest lodestone is Bandit Camp. The current location you have set for light animica has a few issues. Sometime does not travel to it / gets stuck at the nearby lodestone. And if it does arrive it sometimes makes the character cut nearby...