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  1. M

    Monkey Wintertodt Solo

    any updates on this? tried starting it up and it seems to be stuck immediately. grabs pots, then goes to the roots but never starts chopping
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    AIO Farming

    any chance for this to get uim support? just would need an option to skip the banking step i would think, as everything is already in the inventory.
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    Necks Slayer [Deleted]

    Can't figure out how to get it to skip certain tasks like aberrant spectres. Not sure exactly what syntax it wants, I've tried everything I can think of.
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    Prime Aerial Fishing [Deleted]

    doesnt seem to actually click on any of the fishing spots. just hovers the cursor over them and moves the camera around. not sure if this bot isn't being supported anymore, but it does appear to be broken
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    Misfits Zeah RC

    having the same issue as others, bot gets stuck selecting chisel once its done chiseling the second set of blocks
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    3 Tick Mining Mate

    I assume because of the RuneLite update today, bot cannot recognize tick manipulation items.
  7. M

    Hexis Blackjacking

    so this runs great (when it works). the past 4 or 5 times ive ran it it dies between 15-30 minutes in, and i have 58 hp. i think its getting stuck when the health starts dropping and it needs to go get wines. i have it set to go at 70% hp.