Hey again, i purchased some time ago the 500 extra hours, so i could have 700 hours for a month cause the 200 are normally free right? and the 200 hours resets once a month. It is not possible for me to bot even in 3 months the 500 hours plus the normal 200 hour wich comes for free every month...
The normal price, im sorry for so late response, the money isnt so big issue cause i want to support the site and the program + staff and developers.
If i pay for the +500 hours, should i have the free hours plus the hours i paid? Or is it like total 500 hours, or does it add the 500 hours to...
I have been paying every month the same 300 hours of runemate, and the client tells me that ive used all my 200 hours of my time. The numbers doesent even add up to 300 hours when i saw them, they are at 200 hours wich is true, but where is the remaining 100 hours? Shouldnt i get the 200 hours...
All my bots that need home teleporting keeps hometeleport spamming, same with bots with the walking bath wont work, happened again over night and didint do anything that downloaded the patch. Anyidea anyone?
The paths wont work, and the hometeleports, but the client works just fine, nothing...
I had similar problem cause i had problems with the hours too, and didint read the "little" print that said you can actually buy the hours to your ONE account wich YOU use with your rs accounts. If you create multiple accounts, and still buy the supporter all to the accounts, it wont matter, you...
This is the error message i get now "error downloading the java (TM) Runtime Environment. Please check your connection and start setup again. Log: C:/users/mouzli/appData/loval/temp/j4j_nlog_8"
I tried all on the list to uninstal, reinstal all, runescape, runemate, even browsers, clear caches...