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  1. J

    Silence's Blast Furnace

    In resizable, bank and conveyor belt are always visible, is it possible to click on them directly rather than running to them, then clicking? Use ESC button to close instead of pressing the X. No one presses the x button manually. Shift click to empty support? and why is coal bag in the bottom...
  2. J

    Mmaaikel's Runecrafter [Deleted]

    pathing is really bad for astral runes. Doesn't click minimap enough, causing you to stand still for a few seconds. Doesn't use rune pouches. Doesn't using moon clan teleport.
  3. J

    Negrita's Herblore cleaner [Deleted]

    I tried zoomed out. I tried zoomed in. I tried different camera angles. Fixed/unfixed camera. Keeps clicking stats button,
  4. J

    Negrita's Herblore cleaner [Deleted]

    keeps clicking the skills tab for somereason.
  5. J

    Prime NMZ FREE [Deleted]

    xp/hr counter is too high. Showing me getting 90k xp an hour for attack. When I use Osbuddy or Runelite, it shows around 80k.