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  1. S

    AIO Farming

    Ah I missed that part in the house settings, thanks!
  2. S

    AIO Farming

    Hey man, great bot, one of the best/ most convenient I've used here - only error I get is when I use POH jewelry teleports like Castle Wars and Farming Guild with this error message, is this a setting I have put in wrong or something I can fix myself? "Stopped bot with reason: The teleport...
  3. S

    Cuppa Shopper AIO

    Ahh haha so it makes it click on it, I was so confused why it was interacting with everything I put on the obstacle list, thanks for clarifying!
  4. S

    Cuppa Shopper AIO

    Hey there, could Frankie's Fishing Emporium in Port Piscarilius added to the preset shops? e: it bugs out completely when manually setting this shop, it interacts with a lot of things on the way and never reaches the bank or the shop without manual adjustments, even when detecting the nearby...
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    Mikes Tormented Demons

  6. S

    Cuppa Smelter AIO

    Hey there, just wanted to address it here since I do not have Discord to pm you there, but this one has been bugging out for me over the last few days - I'm smelting gold bars to bracelets in Edgeville and after about 10-15 mins the bot stops. The error I see in RuneMate is that it has been idle...
  7. S

    Prayer Flick Mate

    also wondering this, thinking of running it in NMZ to stay there for several hours, but wondering if this is somewhat easily detectable or not really (I understand every bot risks being detected of course)
  8. S

    Question Force stop bot on other PC

    I was running a bot at work today on my laptop and forgot to turn it off, there is no timer set. I tried logging into my RuneMate Spectre account from my PC at home to see if I can stop the bot from here, but there are no active instances showing. Is there any way I can turn off the bot from my...
  9. S

    Bug RuneMate or bot keeps crashing when inactive

    I found how to check the logs and see this message accurring every time in the logs before it crashes: " 2024-06-11 00:27:39 CEST [AWT-EventQueue-0] ERROR net.runelite.client.RuneLite - Uncaught exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space " Anyone has an idea how to fix this?
  10. S

    Bug RuneMate or bot keeps crashing when inactive

    Every time I want to let my bot run over a longer period of time like overnight or when I go to work, I come back and the RuneMate client crashed/ is not open anymore and the bot ran only about 20 to 30 minutes with my RuneLite client also being locked (I'm assuming from the block input feature...