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Vardorvis Mate updated to v0.1.0.

The bot is now fully automatic, meaning it now has:
  • Looting
  • Traversal to Vardorvis
  • Restoration through POH and Ferox Enclave
  • Banking at multiple locations
The bot now tracks kills and deaths as well as theoretical profit
Vardorvis Mate (Preview) updated to v0.0.5.

Axe evasion is now always a higher priority than eating
Improved equipment handling
Improved special attack handling
Vardorvis Mate (Preview) updated to v0.0.4.

Added special attack support - special attacks are used when Vardorvis enrages
The bot will now start new kills for you as long as you meet the trip extension requirements in the settings
Improved the responsiveness of axe evasion
Vardorvis Mate (Preview) updated to v0.0.3.

The bot now kills Vardorvis all on it's own!
Vardorvis Mate (Helper) updated to v0.0.2.

The bot should now work on the quest version of the boss