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This script is absolutely phenomenal, and although it has a potential death loop on floor three, I'm still going to give it 5/5 because it's updated so often and I feel like the DEV will fix this issue.

Death Loop:
During this obstacle, you have a 2-part flame phase (10 Steps total, First 6 Flames, then Last 6 Flames). During this, the player needs to stand on row 4 until the second 6 flames go out. The problem is that on occasion, the bot will miscalculate and you will end up in a death loop where it will continuously keep running into row 4 just before the first 6 flames light up. Thereby sending you back to the beginning of the challenge, only to burn again and again. You manually have to override this in order for the script to work again properly. Generally only happens every 9-12 rounds, but with that being said, I've also gone 30 rounds without it doing it. I've noticed it doing it far more since Jagex did their planned maintenance. Possible update to their bot detection system?

Another issue I've noticed is while looting crates on any chest that has the braziers, it "can" get stuck on an infinite loop trying to walk through the Holy Barrier. It will click on the barrier, then before it finishes the action it will click on it again causing it to walk through it again. Then the cycle restarts. This also seemingly started after the JaGeX's scheduled maintenance.

Finally, not a bug, but a failure in the script itself. It doesn't alch anything. I have the items listed, but it won't alch them.
Thanks for the review and in depth information, I believe the death loop you're talking about should be addressed in the next update (it was caused by the bot looking too far ahead when trying to work out if it can skip the first cycle), I haven't experienced the brazier/barrier loop but I'll keep an eye out and have a look at the code to try to work out what could cause it.
I love to see how this bot navigates.
Consistent and good quality
well done !
92-99 4 rings pet and a total loot 200m thx =D
completes floor 4/5 every run no issues, got full black recolor and all hallowed items from 91-93 agility
Working well! Can't wait for floor 5 to be perfected! Thanks
Great so far, haven't hit floor 5 yet though.
Great bot by very friendly and helpful dev.
Great script, on floor 4 it walks back and forth over and over between the gate to the chest. I had to click towards the chest to have it properly see what tile it was on. Let me know if you want the logs. This is also the 1st time i saw it happen.
91-99 already
whats an amazing bot
got 2 rings too!
Congratulations :D
Great script, since the RS update today though when it gets to the final loot chest on floor 4 it walks back and forth over and over between the gate to the chest. I'd avoid using currently as this will easily get you banned.
I haven't been able to reproduce this, but if you close both RuneMate and RuneLite then restart them, that normally sorts out any weird issues. If that doesn't work then a PC restart can help. I'll keep trying to reproduce it just in case though.
Very cool, works great. Will be back once level 5 is done.
Can't wait for floor 5. Amazing bot!
Absolutely amazing bot, doesnt do it flawlessly which makes it more human like, 10/10 cant wait for floor 5
Thanks for the feedback :)
Been running this for 21 hours straight. Easiest black graceful ever lol
Thanks for the feedback :)
Update: I've been using this bot for a few days now and it's absolutely awesome! Highly recommend and heres to black graceful set :) No issues other than sometimes it'll keep miss clicking on the last trap on floor 3 with the fire but other than that, really cool bot keep up the good work, amazing!
Thanks for the feedback :)
Love it so far, it's messing up on the single click through fire statues on floor 3
Thanks for the feedback, that should have been fixed in a recent update, hopefully it runs smoother for you now :)
It's good enough. It fails certain obstacles quite often, especially on Floor 4. I think it's a little too expensive at the moment, considering that we're beta testing it for the developer. Will be worth a lot more if the chinks are ironed out and if floor 5 is released, but can't justify using it at the moment.
Yeah fair enough, only reason I've released it to the general public as a preview is because it was widely requested :)
I'm assuming the floor 4 obstacle you're talking about is the Sword+Arrows+Lightning section? It's a bit of a pain but I'll be focusing on optimizing it.
So far so good, let it do a few 1-4 runs at the moment. Seems to do them very well. Do you have any plans on adding floor 5 in the future? Glad there is a sep script here now, been wanting one for a while.
Yep, floor 5 will be released in the future :)
Withdraws all the nails from the bank, finishes the inventory then stops and errors out that can not find nails. Other than that, runs well! Will change rating once fixed or instructed how to stop the error.
Oops, that could be because I set the nails preferred withdraw amount to 1k... I'll change it to be settable by the user, sorry about that! Only real way to prevent it is to have more than 1k nails for now.