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was working for a bit not getting max xp only abouy 66k an hour but then today it will enter the minigame then just sit there
Great bot, not sure if its me and how im doing the settings but it wont loot the rounds. definitly need some help setting it up properly
wish I was having the same experience as the last rating. I am able to loot the grand chest maybe 2/5 times. And that is with helping it on the last obstacle at the end. for some reason it will just run right against the statues, so it won't have time to dodge. it will also regularly fail other traps. Sometimes it won't even pass floor 4 in time.
The bot is very sensitive to environmental factors such as tick health, which could explain the difference in experience between users. I'm planning a rewrite in the near future, which may help but I won't really know until I do it.
Ditto-ing the last review, this bot was amazing. Out of the 170 runs it only failed to loot the floor 5 coffin 4 times, which seems pretty reasonable.
It's not broken like the reviews suggest, it just fails some obstacles on 4/5 more often than we would like. Could use a bit of tweaking but it's perfectly serviceable as it is now
Used to be an high quality script, floor 5 really need some adjustments. But stills can give get you the ring of endurance
The bot is really good, i could only do until floor 4 (83 agi). It did fail some obstacles a few times, but i was getting around 58k xp/h. Very expensive though, at 0.10/h it would be affordable.
good bot but recently it's been messing up a lot. not the best xp/hr at 60K right now. potential update and I'm sure it will be smooth sailing. 70-96 agility so far. Definitely does the trick but very expensive...
Not worth the 18 cents an hour. Runs okay, fails obstacles sometimes. Only able to achieve 62k exp/hour if I set it to loot no coffins.

May as well run Hexis agility rooftop bot for the same exp/hour but half the money.
this bot was running great im guessing maybe an update messed it up? it constantly fails parts of floor 5, as stated by others below, but it seems like it tries to speed through to catch up, thus getting caught even more frequently. the script runs great just needs fine tuning there at the end.
No longer consistent and fails floor 5 at least twice per run. Never had a clean run. Getting 66-70k exp/hr without looting any but grand chest. No longer worth the 0.18 per hour tbh.
doesnt complete floor 5 consistently, getting 66k exp an hr consistently. Hop worlds and not ping issue because its just wrong clicks
The bot is good. But can I please be refunded? I've just tried running it twice and it's broken after the update and I've been charged an hour for it each time.
I'm at 96 agility using it and got 2 rings! Will be using to 99! It does fail here and there but only on the really hard parts.
Seems alright, got a ring of endurance in the first hour of having 92 agility.
Only looting 4th and 5th floors it gets the job done. Good work :)
Has been overall great, but like others have said it needs a tune-up. Last trap on floor 5 trap fails a lot and can cause issues. It ran out of time and then froze at the final chest. It did about 15 laps total in a 2-3 hour session (around 70k/xp hr). If the last trap gets addressed this would be 5 stars for sure.
Got me to 99 safely with 4 ring drops. There's issues on floor 5 though, sometimes even 3 tokens won't save it from running out of time. Sometimes it'll just keep failing and failing the last trap. Still got me around 69-70k xp/hr because it's efficient in all the other floors. Crashed ~3 times.
Great bot! I was able to get 2 of my accounts to 99 without a problem Also ran the bot 24/7 until 99 with 0 bans! This bot has also made me 150m + on each account. Thank you Runemate for such an awesome script.
Works well for everything except the last trap of floor 5. Would highly recommend bringing multiple tokens and run restore.
Pretty much flawless.