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Amazing! Great watching it run the floors, ran 82-95 so far and green'd the log :D
Lol same as the guy below me. 2 day ban on main after running for 4 hours. Unfortunate timing.
Sorry to hear about the ban, although normally bans are delayed to make it hard to pinpoint the cause, so it may not have been due to running this bot. Anecdotally I have 3 99s using this, no bans :/
It is great! 2 day ban tho after running for 2 hours with breaks.
Sorry to hear about the ban, although normally bans are delayed to make it hard to pinpoint the cause, so it may not have been due to running this bot. Anecdotally I have 3 99s using this, no bans :/
This script is legit!
Been running for roughly 7 hours a day with breaks for the past couple days and made good progress and a couple Mill GP :)

I haven't experiences any issues.
Excellent bot. Best way to train agility
fyi sometimes the bot glitches out on level 4 looting passing through the barrier
Pretty sweet! I didn't have 66 Thieving so the bot just ran past everything at the start, once I fixed that it was perfect.

Will be used for many many hours on the way to 99 :D
Not sure why some people rate this less than 5-stars, it must surely be user error. I've run this script for 10 hour+ sessions with absolutely no problems at all, the fact it sometimes does rarely get caught by the traps would surely make it look more human compared to a 100% success rate non-stop too. Super solid script, just be better at setting it up you bloody potatoes xx
Flawless script. Never had an issue from 76-88. Going for 99!
Does as it advertises. Awesome plugin, easy to set up and great xp/hr.
Once set up this bot runs great. It rarely fails the odd one but if anything it probably helps it look more human! love it.
Hit 99 agility, literally flawless bot. 82-99, it didn't break once, nothing strange either. Thanks!!
Great script! Only the banking has weird behaviour that could use some improvements. Other than that it's flaweless.
A beautiful script IMO. Have been babysitting for about 6hrs since last night and so long as you understand the settings (took me some playing with as far as values go, but I'm also braindead so take that into consideration lmao.) it works flawlessly. Make sure when choosing values for inv items you take into consideration free space because if you don't have the space it'll leave whatever you didn't have room for on the ground. There are options to drop specific loot, timed break options etc. It does get stuck on traps occasionally, but readjusts quickly & well enough that I can't tell if it messing up was an added feature for a more "legit" moving/looking character or not. This script is truly a godsent to me, agility is beyond TRASH.
Decent script but theres no focus on loot per se. It just keeps going and the inventory fills up and then it will get drops like rune 2h but then just abandon the loot and keep on running. It should really drop a piece of food and loot the item and theres not often enough banking so it's always an issue. could potentially loot a ring and it would actually leave it on the ground. Very odd that looting mechanics weren't added. Or at least a checkbox to force banking every so many trips with a slider to assign how many.
Yeah, the main reason I didn't add a 'Bank every x runs' is because you can do that by setting your challenge material settings so it does that anyway, most people alch the alchables so it hasn't been a big deal. There's code to drop food/potions to pick up a ring, but I may change that to drop before looting the grand chest. Happy to discuss it more on the Discord channel
Recently pulled the trigger on SlashnHax Sepulchre Mate having kept an eye on it for a while.

At this point the bot is fully supported & requires little/no babysitting depending on settings. The only way this bot will stop is if you run out of resource.

The script is occasionally too eager to pass flames and will get reset but immediately corrects itself and given how efficiently it runs this time loss is completely negligible.

Props for operating in-between the lines and leading the way when it comes to Sepulchre scripts.
Great bot, does what it needs to do, however for the price of it you'd expect it to not just stop the bot if it notices planks or nails etc have run out, maybe just pause the bot so we're not paying for another hour after just 5 minutes of start time.
If the bot detects a resource shortage early in the run (I think the cutoff is 5 minutes, to cover banking when the bot starts), it will pause, otherwise it stops.
v1.2.2 is really solid. I'm only doing up to floor 3 for the moment, but I've been able to leave it running unsupervised as of this update. It will fail some traps occasionally, but as others mention this is a good thing as far as looking more like a player.

So glad this exists rather than risking a ban at rooftops.
tested another 3 hours of v1.2, it bugs everytime at Lv2 West after going down the stairs. RM says "going down stairs", character stays at the end of the stairs and script will resume if you manually click one tile. **A fix could be just to add one more click after stairs.
Thanks for the info, v1.2.1 is queued which may help, or at least has more logging which should help me work it out. For some reason those stairs can act weird if there's a bit of lag when you go down, the destination doesn't clear and it looks like your player position doesn't update.
If you run this on a world with low ping, you won't need to babysit. This script gets incredible rates even on floor 5... simply amazing. Worth the price.