Added support for the Crabclaw Cave! This cave contains Sand crabs, as well as King Sand Crabs. Access to the caves requires partial completion of The Depths of Despair quest.
Fixed an IllegalArgumentException some of you have been getting.
Fixed a NullPointerException when navigating through the User Interface.
Fixed several instances where the bot did not recognize that it had lost aggro. This was very frequent on Fossil Island.
Fixed an instance where the bot did not recognize food in the player's inventory.
Fixed an instance where the bot failed to bank entirely.
Fixed an instance where the bot got stuck withdrawing supplies when the inventory was full.
Added the ability to loot throwables (darts/arrows/knives etc). Throwables will automatically be equipped if needed, and the bot will go to the bank if you run out of throwables entirely. Don't worry, if you don't have any in your bank, the bot will stop.
Added support for Crabclaw Isle.
Added 7 more PlayerSense keys to create even more unique player styles. Everything you can think of is PlayerSensed and unique for you as a player.
Consuming potions should now be a bit more logical and fluid.
Overhauled the User Interface a bit so it provides more information about each option.