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Prime Barrows updated to v1.0.7.

- Fixed issue where bot is unable to dig down into the tombs.
- Fixed Torag burrow location.
- Fixed Iban Staff state not correctly being reset after recharging it.
- Fixed an instance of getting stuck in crypts when unable to generate the nav mesh.
- Fixed bot getting stuck in an endless loop of opening and closing the bank (finishing up bank tree message).
- Fixed bot not grabbing a spade from the bank when starting with an empty inventory.
- Fixed slider issue in the UI that caused the bot to get stuck in the crypts.
- Fixed a typo that broke the usage of the Morytania Legs.
- Fixed bot not activating prayers when fighting the Barrows Brothers in critical situations.
- Fixed a bug where the bot goes back to Clan Wars if only one prayer point is missing when the first brother it checks is in the crypts.

- Added support for the rune pouch. Put the runes you want to keep in your pouch before starting the bot, and have it in your inventory.
- Added the option to not use prayer against skeletons. This also applies to consuming prayer potions.

- Increased the priority of consuming food when fighting.
- Lowered the min. amount of charges needed before the bot recharges the Iban Staff.
- Tweaked values as to when to drink a prayer potion. The downtime (no prayer active) should now be a lot shorter.
- Tweaked emergency health values. It should now trigger a lot earlier.
Prime Barrows updated to v1.0.6.

- Fixed bot getting stuck after paying to recharge the Iban Staff.
- Fixed another NoSuchElementException when the bot is unable to determine which brother is in the crypts. This happens when you start the bot with all brothers killed or after the bot teleports out in case of emergency. The user is now prompted with a 5 minute window to fix this before the bot will stop.
- Fixed bot getting stuck attacking a brother that isn't targeting the user.
- Fixed getting stuck in the chest area.
- Fixed bot not using prayer on Ahrim on a very rare occasion.

- Added a tracker for prayer drain.
- Added a slider for users to set their own custom reward potential threshold.
- Added some variation in the navigation methods when walking towards the next brother. Some accounts will prefer to walk using the viewport, others will use the minimap.

- Reworked the way prayer potions are consumed. The system will now work out when a prayer potion should be consumed. Gear, current prayer levels, prayer drain amount and health all influence this system. With this new system, I only use around 1 prayer potion per trip, which is a HUGE change compared to the previous version.
- Increased the dig location areas to avoid the bots digging at the same exact location.
- Reworked the targeting system in the crypts, meaning that the bot can now properly determine if a skeleton is reachable. Before it did not attack skeletons that were right next to a door, even though they could be attacked.
- If there are no available targets in the Chest Area, the bot will now go back through the last door to spawn a new target.
- Proper gear set is now equipped when walking towards the reward chest in preparation for the brother.

As always, I appreciate the feedback and bug reports. Let me know if you run into issues with this update.
Prime Barrows updated to v1.0.5.

- Fixed bot getting stuck checking charges when the bank is open.
- Fixed bot not consuming food or dropping empty vials.
- Fixed getting stuck at Clan Wars portal.
- Fixed NoSuchElementException when all brothers are considered 'killed' whilst the loot hasn't been taken yet and the bot is above ground.
- Fixed bot not recognizing normal staves as supported magic weapons.
- Fixed getting stuck at "Finishing up bank tree".

- Added a few stop actions when missing some critical items and the bot is unable to find them for some reason. The user is given 5 minutes to solve the issue themselves before the bot shuts down, rather than the bot getting stuck in an endless loop . Thought this is a nice compromise until I figure out why it's failing to detect some items.
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Reactions: Defeat3d
Prime Barrows updated to v1.0.4.
  • Fixed bot getting stuck at the bank.
  • Fixed bot getting stuck attacking skeletons it cannot reach in the crypts.
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Reactions: Defeat3d and Savior
Prime Barrows updated to v1.0.3.

- Fixed spam-clicking while navigating through the crypts.
- Fixed spam-clicking on a Barrows Brother.
- Fixed an instance of getting stuck at "Finishing up bank logic".
- Fixed getting stuck at "Checking trident" or "Checking charges". This means that every special weaponry should now be working correctly.
- Fixed bot not eating in the tombs.
- Fixed bot withdrawing runes when using special weaponry that does not require runes to cast spells.

- Improved nav mesh generation performance.
- The user can now choose what gear type it should equip for each brother. If you want to use your magic gear for every brother, you can do that now.
- The user is now warned when they are using a weapon that is not (yet) supported. This should clear up any confusion.
- Charge tracking (special weaponry) is much more reliable now.
- Loot is now deposited when the bank is open, and when certain conditions are met, rather than just the conditions.

- Added a few more supported weaponry: Trident of the Seas, Crystal Bow, Armadyl Crossbow, Dragon Crossbow, Rune Crossbow and all shortbows. Every normal staff is also supported.
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Reactions: Savior and Defeat3d
Prime Barrows updated to v1.0.2.
  • Bot should longer get stuck at "checking trident".
  • Prime Barrows is temporarily free.
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Reactions: Savior and Defeat3d
Prime Barrows updated to v1.0.1.
  • Fixed an obfuscation issue that prevented the bot from starting.