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No bans after A LOT of time ran, I think jagex just wants people to bot NM. Either way, bot at .20/h is too expensive to run unless you're an iron and desperate. GREAT bot for what it is, and highly recommended. Just too expensive.
on average you'll make 4m/hour doing phosani (at 6 kills an hour), that 4m will sell for at least 65 cents
it good
This bot is incredible and truly runs flawlessly. The author is also great and provided a ton of assistance with getting this set-up correctly.
Got pet 1 day of using 28 KC. Runs flawless!
This is perfection, Literally.
I had some zoom issues banking at Mt Karuulm but ive since left it zoomed out max and disabled the option to change zoom with scrollwheel and zero problems since.
Hardly uses any supplies per kill.
if you swap out your rada's blessing for something else you'll never end up at mt karuulm ;)
ran great last night but now all of a sudden it spends almost an hour downloading navigation data and not running.. wasted 40c on this already kinda annoying but im sure youll fix it soon
nothing for me to fix, these are client related issues. try clearing your navigation data in the runemate settings and redownloading it.
Turn off all plugins, zoom out max and it does a phenomenal job.
I occasionally see that it gets stuck at Mt Karuulm about a dozen steps from the bank, it then fails as it cannot get items from the bank. Not sure exactly why but i suspect its zooming in and causing the issue.
recommend not bringing your rada's blessing, so the teleport there is never considered
Works well. Did 1200 kc on ironman without issue.
works perfectly, if you didnt do normal phosanis one time the bot needs you to force entry other that perfect, no deaths 80kc
Does loot sleepy tab and upgrades necklace -

Works great make sure to review the settings and make sure everything is good to go. If something is off it might go in and teleport right away.

Works great pray to rng gods on this one .20 is pricey
bot works very well with very consistent kills, only downside with the bot is looting, i have ground items plugin turned off but after getting slepey tablet drop the bot teleports out without looting it which sucked. and it doesnt seem to loot sanfew/sara brew drops either. other than that the kills are very smooth and seems to loot everything else. hopefully looting issue is fixed and i can change to 5 stars :)
rest assured that the tablet is used as soon as you received it, which is why you might think it never picked it up

non stackable lower value drops are looted after the last kill of the trip rather than during the trip
The bot kills Phosani, makes mistakes once in a while which is a good thing, but it won't pick up items off the ground for some reason after drop. I have ignore set to 0gp and still it won't pick anything up, meaning I have to unfortunately babysit the bot while it does the kills to manually loot after pausing. Once the issue is resolved I will update my rating.
There's no issue on the bot's end there. You most likely have the ground items plugin enabled on RuneLite (which RuneMate tells you explicitly to disable), which changes the menu actions of ground items.
The bot is great when my internet is great it consistently gives kills.
Reasons for 4/5:

Occasionally hits mushrooms - I haven't seen it hit them during totem phase since I dialed in my trident range settings, however occasionally when attacking phosani, will dodge holes and immediately attack phosani getting dragged into mushrooms by jagex pathing instead of pathing safely then attacking the boss. = -.5 stars

Doesn't support dosing stamina for run to pool/deathwalk - without slepe tablet obtained yet this significantly affects the run time to boss and therefore kills/hour

that said, this bot is incredible. with 82 att 87 str and 85 magic, like i said, it kills the bot flawlessly except for my own internet issues that happen sometimes, my fault not the bots. it is shockingly good. If great internet/high stats 100% this bot is worth while using. even with my shiternet and low stats i still plan to camp it for the next 30-40 hours
This bot is outstanding, the amount of kills that you are able to get using this bot is amazing,

There are a couple of things that you need to check before you are able to run this bot successfully. These include server ping etc.
But other then that, this bot is amazaing
Im new to botting tbh. Is there a setup guide wich i can use to make the bot go flawless ?
There is one in the UI, for further support you can join the discord at https://discord.gg/runemate or DM me.
nice bot but isnt the piety flicking net verry detectable?
This bot has been going undetected since release.
This bot is great but needs some tweeks to be excellent. Here are my notes after 300 kills with this bot:
bot takes dmg from husk phase sometimes, during totem phases bot runs into spores (with sang or toxic staffs), during final fight phase the bot does not use piety for the two specs, inquisitor mace does not work well with this bot- timing is off or something (better luck with bludgeon and less damage taken), bot does not pickup sanfew potion drops to use during kills, bot locks up when nightmare dashes during totem phase slowing kills down, sometimes when parasite breaks out of chest the bot clicks on it too early then has to click it again- sometimes leads to extra damage taken.
All in all great bot just needs a few tweaks. Also would be nice to have sarabrews added to food options since nightmare drops them and could lead to longer trips. Prior to getting sleepy tablet this would be very helpful.
Thank you for the feedback, however some of your points are invalid.

The bot definitely does not run into spores during totem phases, perhaps you have your range set incorrectly (is your staff on long range? The bot has an option to forcefully set your staff to long range). The bot does use piety during special attacks. Important to note that when using voidwaker, the color of the experience drop does not change because it gives magic experience. Inquisitor mace works perfectly fine and has the exact same speed as bludgeon. The bot also doesn't lock up during totem phase charge attacks, this was changed a few updates ago.

I don't like adding support for brews because they require restores, and the bot barely loses any prayer points at all. It's simply more effective to bring normal food as it also doesn't cause you to use more boosting potions.
Shit is A+ Anyone complaining make sure you follow the setup guide, make sure your camera is scrolled out.
Unfortunately, it will tell me in the loot tab that I am getting Inquis gear drop, because it's what I'm using. However, I sadly have not. lol

Excellent script, very smooth. I die sometimes, IDK why, but it's good