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Works flawlessly. 250+ tormented demons so far with 0 issues at all. Great bot and keep updating and creating your bots man!!
bot works so much better than I thought it would! thank you so much.
Please add support for herb bag!
From the drop rate you're going to average 1 herb like every second run, it is better to take food in that slot
Just needs support for Herb sack, Seed box, and maybe world hop if area is taken. Aside from those additions it works perfectly and has had 0 issues for me. Thanks for such a great job and flawlessly working bot!
5 stars as always Mike, love your work. A true master of the craft

Would love to see this support restores as well instead of just ppots if you get around to it!
Super restores are used secondary to ppots. So if you run out of ppots, it'll start withdrawing restores. Reason being restores are a better resource especially for ironmen
Bot works flawlessly and has managed to kill 600+ TDs for me now without dying. Thank you to the dev for making adjustments to make the bot even better
I think the bot is amazing. Dunno why some dude have it three stars. It's insane slayer XP for the iron too. The only think that annoys me is the bot description says it supports slaughter bracelet changing but doesn't. no option in config and when i manually put it into invy the bot banks it. other than that, awesome job. Thanks for 3 synapse and 1m slayer xp lmao.
The setting is only applicable when you tick "Stop on slayer task". If you tick that, you will see the setting to enable slaughter flicking. The reason being is because I don't want the bot flicking a slaughter for somebody who is off task, it makes no sense
The bot works perfectly, I only have one problem and that is that when it runs out of fire runes, the bot tries to auto-cast the Dark Demonbane spell and stays doing nothing and spending prayer.
I would probably give it close to 4.5 stars a lot of the things I didn't like are just nitpicking. It doesn't seem to support the herb sack, which is odd because the default loot list appears to include most of the better herbs. Also when restocking, it would be nice if there was way to set a hierachy, where not having enough food is more important than needing to restock on boosters. Also adding a custom amount of boosters to withdraw, as in redrawing 2 of the main boosters or 1 of tthe secondary boosters.
Pretty good, however the prayer switching makes no sense. Every single time TD switches style, bot prays melee. Trips would be much much longer if this was not the case. Unless I'm missing something, this bot would be perfect if not for this.
It randomises the one of two not the last prayer unless the TD is walking in which case melee is used as the assumption is he is walking towards the player
Best bot ever, I did 55kc per hour on a slayer task with meelee and ranged weapon
With mage I couldnt kill as much as I could with melee and ranged
10/10 bot
The bot itself works decent but can you please add more locations to kill them (the side locations where there's 2 spawns). Vetween every kill there's 20 sec downtime, exp and kills could easily go up by 1/3 if we didn't only have 2 locations where there's only 1 spawn. And an option to use blowpipe as healing tool would be great too instead of just as a dumping spec thing regardless of full health would extend trips as well and make this an elite script. Tyvm in advance Mike.
Work's great, 2.5k kills in two weeks 400m+ no issues, no bans ect. Today oct 6th with the new quest update The Curse of Arrav, the bot is acting strange and not working property. Trying to drop void pieces and can't properly withdraw items from bank.
Flawless. hands down the best script this author has made.
0 complaints. will be using this every greater demon task!
Very good bot, works perfectly.

It would be great if the bot could use SGS spec to heal (when hp is less than 10% of maximum hp for example), it uses it spec weapon regardless.
Excellent. Switches gear and prayers very efficiently. Eats and banks well.

It could predict the next attack better by taking a step back after the switch, and praying range or mage (depending on what gear you're wearing, for example mage gear you'd want range pray on) however, this adds to the human-like behaviour in a way. Perhaps something for Mike to consider.

Great bot, highly recommend.
Theres not a single script this guy has made that i had a problem with. There is a thorough guide on setting up your inventory and gear on top of the script also which helped me a million.
The bot is relatively simple to set up, which I always love to see :) Does what it says on the tin reliably. Would recommend!
Works well. Giving 5 stars.

A couple things could be improved regarding prayer switching. When I do TD's, I'm able to take almost 0 damage and I think the bot could too.

The bot is fast at switching to melee when the TD walks at it, which is good. However, if you'r already in melee distance, it doesn't see it walk toward you and picks something at random. A recommendation would be when the TD is attack swapping, to move in a direction away from it (still avoiding fire). Then if it was ranging, switch to mage, if it walks, you know it's melee. Currently taking damage in when TD swaps due to incorrect prayer guesses.

When it's melee and then swaps, the bot turns all prayers off, including the offensive prayer. It should be leaving the offensive prayer on and guessing mage/range for a 50/50 chance of being right.

I'm getting somewhere around 10 kills per trip (lowish def). And I think that could be improved.

Haven't died yet. Haven't been close. I've seen no issues at all. It all works smoothly. Just would be cool to have some longer lasting trips and increase the kills/hr. Also wouldnt mind if it switched gear faster. It's about 1/3 the speed as me.

amazing bot but would you be willing to create a manual mode with only thing the bot does is 1t prayer flick and switch? i'd be much more comfortable using it that way just tryna save prayer pots.
Looks like everything is working well except for some of the things others have said.

It's really annoying that instead of world-hopping it will use one of my teleport tabs and just run back. In fact, as I type this my character just teleported back to my house...again...
Yeah no idea what you're talking about. My guess is you're using 1t prayers, 0 prayer withdraw and thralls. It's teleporting because it needs prayer, it restores at your house and then realises it no longer needs prayer. Withdraw a prayer pot.