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MaxiLunarTablets updated to v1.1.3.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the bot from stopping if the target runtime was during a break
  • Fixed a threading issue with TrackedSkill progress updater
  • When starting a bot with level goals that have already been completed it will no longer attempt to start those activities before realizing they're finished
MaxiLunarTablets updated to v1.1.2.
  • Will now stop if you aren't a member
  • Will now stop if you haven't completed Lunar Diplomacy
  • Will now world hop if not on a members world
  • Will now stop if you aren't on the Lunar spell book
MaxiLunarTablets updated to v1.1.1.
  • Fixed break end time always showing as 00:00:00 - Existing profiles will still be wrong but it's only visual. Any newly added/generated breaks will be correct
MaxiLunarTablets updated to v1.1.0.
  • Added support for Divine rune pouch
  • Fixed banking when you haven't finished dream mentor
  • Investigated the missing rune pouch issue - Unable to reproduce the issue. User was likely using a Divine rune pouch which wasn't supported at the time or experienced a jagex cache issue which can be fixed by restarting the game
  • Fixed emptying the rune pouch when it's full and is missing one of the required runes
MaxiLunarTablets updated to v1.0.15.
  • Fixed a bug where renaming break profiles caused the breaks to be stored in the activities property, resulting in activity profile saving not working. Unfortunately if you had this issue your old activity profiles will be removed but you'll be able to save new ones now without issue
MaxiLunarTablets updated to v1.0.14.
  • BreakScheduler now looks at the session runtime instead of the active runtime to make it easier to know when the next break will be
  • Fixed manually updating breaks not updating the end time - this was a visual bug only
  • Fixed an issue causing breaks not to start
MaxiLunarTablets updated to v1.0.13.
MaxiLunarTablets updated to v1.0.12.
  • Fixed break profiles not saving properly if you didn't already have one which was causing breaks not to work for some users
MaxiLunarTablets updated to v1.0.11.
  • Added support for predefined profiles. A predefined profile can't be deleted or renamed. It can be saved with a new name to clone it with any modifications that have been made. - Profile suggestions welcome in the discussion thread
  • Moved goal type and value to the activity config screen. As a result, a visual bug that sometimes occurred with the activity goal values in the activity list has now been resolved.
  • Added "Skipped Activity" title for activities where the goal has already been met when the activity was started
MaxiLunarTablets updated to v1.0.10.