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Has worked well. Only giving 4 stars due to a lack of AFK settings and unable to use costume needle. If these were fixed, it would be 5/5.
Insane flawless working had its on for 24 hours no issues ima finnish this 99 asap! its worth the money.
absolute amazing bot flawless no issues at all to get 99. easy to use and set up. used until all supply's in bank were gone so easy to set up and smash crafting.
I'm not used to having to manually adjust my camera and my bank withdraw/deposit X settings, maybe Cuppa spoiled me, was wondering why the bot was getting weird rates until I realised those things and manually adjusted. Bot works fine otherwise.
every method is consistently 20-30% BELOW wiki xp rates.
works fine, just rly slow.
got 99 crafting with this - sometimes the xp rates vary a little, but works very well.
Bot works pretty well, but for me it does everything like a tick or two too slow. Also doesn't support all banks. I think it only works at bank booths or bank chests, which misses quite a few places. Could not get it to work at Nex for example.
75 to 99, cutting gems, done 7hr + seshs at GE, flawless, thanks mate :)
So to compare this crafting bot to Regal and Hexis, I prefer this one cause of the xp/hr is about 50k more per hour for me. Although all of those 3 are highly recommended. Very good job
Updated review; 2nd 99 done with this bot (on the ironmeme).
Lovely bot, not too sweaty and very human-like. Love the tasking system. 10/10
should add support for priff furnace pls
Perfect Bot 10/10 ! Thanks Aidden <3<3
Great bot! HOWEVER - I was on my HCIM and this script decides that the fastest way to edgeville is to tp to Ferox and run through the wildy with whatever gear and inventory you have on. Lucky I was paying attention and no pkers were out LOL. Still dangerous for non irons as it will run you through the wildy with no food and whatever you happen to have on you...
This isn't a bot issue. The bot uses RuneMates web. You had teleports on you that meant that was the fastest way there.
Great bot, however after recent game update it is not working. Please fix! Thank you
Runemate still has some issues from the update. Likely not a bot issue.
Works for gem jewellery but will just spam click furnace for gold tiaras
The tasks can be stacked and it can complete a ton of things in 1 run. Excellent -cut/crafting about 10k items this s gold
Used the bot to blow glass orbs, make battle staves, and cut gems, sometimes in the same session, without any issues. Thanks for the soon-to-be 99.
Do not use to make gold tiaras; currently, it spam clicks the furnace, and even with assistance, it keeps doing that. Avoid now, please.
All of Maxi's bots do what they need to do, but they all crash randomly which is extremely annoying. I've tried changing every setting within the bot yet it still will crash.
I cant investigate if you dont provide log files or more detail.
Worked for a short time, crashed and tried restarting multiple times. It drained $1 in a matter of a few minutes. Why does it charge for just starting the bot? Or is that runemate? It didn't even run for an hour and is supposed to be .08 but yet because of the programs failure I'm punished. I can't imagine how many extra charges have been paid by customers trying to get a bugged script working. The fact that it crashed and won't work, fine things need time to be fixed, but being charged for trying to see if it's user error, or bugging is asinine. It's a small amount, sure but that adds up over time if it goes unnoticed.