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Worked great for an hour then left it running to finish worked for 30 minutes more the self ran after and error for 6 hours and cant even get a refund.
Worked great until it got to Explorers ring, and masters book. Ran that for hours, where it just swapped them back and forth. Wonder how much money I lost to that. Before that, it was working great. Unfortunately, the explorers ring bug is a known bug within this script and I forgot to check for it. unlucky
All of Maxis bots are great, except for this one. For the price point you would want it to be faster and not require it to run for multiple hours, it does (mostly) what is advertised, just with some small issues.
It can't be fast without great risk that everything starts messing up. It's as fast as the game allows it to be with validating the previous action has been applied correctly. It takes the game a tick to perform the item slot change. In order to be fast it would require not relying on the state of the game and instead relying on the the locally stored state of the bank and changes made to it, which could be incorrect if a slot change fails
The previewed layout is fine, However i've never had to babysit a bot as much as this one, for the price it's value is awful, will likely get a refund if it doesn't sort itself out after another attempt.
Please provide more detail about the issue you're experiencing.
Works great. Used the free version to preview what it'd look like, and then let the premium version do it's thing for a bit. Came back to a nice and organized bank.

Thanks :)
Does it's thing. Bot is slow, but still does what it said it does. Ran for 2 hours, but still didn't fully complete my bank. I have about 1040 in my band and was still adjusting the positoning of the items. But again, Bot does what is required. But as it is quite slow, bot should be a bit cheaper. Thank you regardless Aiiden <3
Sick! Worked perfect, ran for around 1 & 1/2 hours, really cool, no issues.
Managed to sort a few things, but whilst I left it running it got stock on Varrock tabs and a rune pouch swapping between them, a great way to burn through your account funds.
organizes a bank somewhat, its probably the slowest bot in all of runemate though and it'll take about 5+ hours for a 1.2k space bank.
If it's any faster it wouldn't be waiting for the game to process the change meaning the bot would end up out of sync and start messing up
does what it says on the box, but quite slow and the bank layout leaves a lot to be desired for the price i expected more,
its good BUT it cost me more than its worth to find out that it gets hung up on diary items and just cycles them and never moving on to the next item. Definitely wasnt worth $1.50 to find this out but its without question something id use when its all ironed out
Send me a message with the specific and I can look into it
Did exactly as expected. Excited to see where this leads! For now its alphabetical order and sorted by category. Get this man some good bank tabs and lets sort this out together!