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the bot is good with the fight mechanics cant fault it, but the loot side and restoring side needs some improvements, its now twice not picked up orb drops or other high loot drops and teleports out straight after fight if has no food and not pick up loot, also the restoring side of things, it uses 5 house teleports before healing and then going to bank, if these cant be fixed this would be the greatest bot.
Bot teleports out at 100hp or less with enough food and potions, the way it keeps flicking prayer is absolutely bot like . Looks to have some potential but needs a lot of work
Bot does everything perfect up until boss is down to 100hp then just tps away for no reason. would be 5/5 if it actually finished the kill.
Keeps getting stuck on one side, Very bot like. Cost me more gp than I made. Also want a Refund. Barely even got 3 kills in the last 2 days.
Unfortunately kept praying melee, and i just got banned from using the script, great script but Red flag sadly
will not kill Levithan gets his hp low then teles out if fixed i will change my review
Damn near perfect i think a little too perfect i used with thralls for like 300 kills. Usually an hour at a time i got banned in like 3 days. great script though lol
This bot is perfect got me all uniques and 99 range. ONE OF THE BEST BOTS on this site and very stable no need to babysit
I haven't run this a ton, but it works impressively well. The prayer only option let's you do leviathan light kills, which is cool.

I don't feel like I can give 5 stars quite yet though. As others said, it does miss some prayer flicks, even with stable sub-20 ping. Maybe having an option to stun the boss once when it hits max attack speed to slow it down?
Works great! but will randomly tele out with a full invin of food and 4 prayer pots and not finish kills. not sure if its user error.
Great one when will awakened be supported ?
4.5 stars

Bot is incredible, but not flawless
If you have virtually any internet problems, do not use!
Rarely but occasionally misses prayer switches not due to lag
only part i don't like is it defaults melee prayer and switches in between melee and correct flicks at start of the fight when the orbs are not flying so fast, looks kind of weird but there may be a logic I don't understand.
a few days ago was running without deaths, maybe 1 in 100 kc a death, now its running about 30% dying which really cuts any profits out unless there is a unique drop.
has missed 2 kc worth of loot teleporting at same time boss dies, but is what it is.

OVERALL STILL WORTH USING. Just maybe give it a bit of attention, Prayer Only is a fun way to interact with the game and play while you get kc you couldn't do yourself :p
amazing work! thanks for the pet :)
Bots 9/10. Will sometimes be a bit too safe for my liking and tele out when the boss is in enrage phase >150 hp and we have full HP but no food. Other than that she's a beaut.
teleport home when boss have 200hp to restore why?
Currently gets stuck on stepping stones after death, babysit the bot.
Ignore all the other reviews, works like a charm. Did all 3k KC with this bot and also green logged. Only improvement I would suggest is the looting from grave as currently doesn't work however the bot hardly falls over so not a big problem. Great job on the bot Party.
Stuck in a loop between POH and Ferox. Won't use fairy ring. Thought it was on my end, reset it all and wasted another hour.
Doesn't even start. Loops between heading to the boss when using POH fairy ring.
Runs great, needs thrall option