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This bot could be better having to babysit isnt the biggest deal imo because i can baby sit 10 accs at once and get these basic quests done all at once your expecting too much out of a one man show if your gonna sit here and cry about it TLDR : babysit the bot and quit crying. the only thing i would change is the price per hour
very botlike , doesnt sucessfully buy items , gets stuck and confused walking to areas.
I don't want to sound rude but this needs to be removed off the market until made fit for purpose. $0.25 is an insult. The GE buying is incredibly slow, it types before an interface has opened when buying stuff on the GE, meaning the bot is just saying random numbers out loud. It presses 'collect' after every item it buys. Every single movement it does is incredibly botlike. I set it to use teletabs, have all teletabs in my bank and yet it started walking to lumbridge from the grand exchange to start the restless ghost rather than teletabbing to Lumbridge. It didn't even bother taking stam pots out either to walk to Lumbridge despite me selecting them. Switched it off before any quests were completed, it may complete the quests eventually but it'll take a long time and be screaming 'i'm a bot' the whole way.
My Account got Permit ban. Thanks. Not only did this get it ban it also cost me $ refund would be great. thanks.
Well, i tried it with total 5$, it finished only 10 quests and i had to help it with each step, it got stuck on almost every quest, it took about 40-50 min to make one quest that normally would take 10 min. he walks 10 steps, waits 10 sec, then walk another 10 step, then get st uck, then loop. SCAM i would like a refund for beta testing something this bad.
Message me on discord: Remco1337
Mostly effective script, with a variety of essential starting quests for any account. The reviews on this are far too harsh, at the time of writing I have ran multiple accounts to trade status with minimal baby sitting.
Biggest errors: - Pathing to Aubrey in Rune Mysteries fails 100% of the time. Player gets stuck in the adjacent smithing room, seemingly failing to path to the door first to check if it's open.
- Player can accidentally become aggro trying to initially talk to the farmer in Sheep Shearer, this will result in a failing conversation loop, and potentially character death.

For what it's accomplished for the asking price, it's quite adequate- but I'd HIGHLY recommend some bot fail-safe that closes the script if looping a step more than X times.
Lost about $0.50 to those bugs but am satisfied otherwise.
Would path about half a minimap away, then stop for a few seconds, then keep repeating that pace. Took just under 1 hour for Rune Mysteries.
Tried to do another quest and it just pathed back and forth outside a building because a door was closed.
Would be nice to be able to check bank for items as it purchased everything twice since I had to reboot.
Stopped using as it required too much babysitting.
Complete trash, scam
shits a scam deliberately avoids faster means of travel so a 10 20 min quest takes 1hr. will click to a spot walk stand there for 10 sec then click again stand there for 10 sec repeats all the way there.
man stoped & started this bot 3 time's. in 2 hours of use it completed 1 quest SMFH 25c for rubbish exspected better from hex.
walks a path further out in order to make the user have to pay more dose not use teleport tabs like it says 1/5 star would not pay your money or waste time waiting for it to break and you to fix
That's not true it uses the RuneMate pathing. If you can provide me with some information in a PM with the issues I'll be able to fix them.
The bot dosen't drink any potions - dosen't toggel run energy - makes a lor of mistakes-
Needs a lot of work. paid 1.50 and it messed up a bunch of times(i had to manually fix or manually progress it to fix it) but the quests are done so im not too upset. charging for a bot that doesnt completely work is kinda cheeky though.
Needs some improvements. Sometimes missclickes alot and gets stuck. Need to babysit. G.E spammed numbers when buying items. But got quests done <3
Feel free to message me your findings, and I can see if I can take a look at it, the grand exchange issue is an issue within the runemate api, nothing I can personally do something about that.
Good bot, bit pricey for what it does, but it performs as advertised.
Bot has been working great after the most recent update. I only had an issue with 1 quest after doing 9-10 in a row. You should always babysit a questing bot.
Sry I usually don't like to give bad reviews you also overall did a good job not everyone can code a bot.
But it got me banned with in 2 hours and got stuck on Romeo and Juliet :S
$.25 an hour for 9 of the easiest quests? No thanks
The bot doesn't use teletabs or super energies properly and gets stuck often. Please fix it
Does it withdraw the required items/tabs? If it's in the inventory and if it's not being used it's because of the webpath not thinking it's a faster path, could you elloborate me more in a DM?
immediately bot broke while attempting to buy supplies. After looking through list for some reason one of the supplies is "coins" so the bot gets stuck trying to buy coins from the ge. would like a refund for the hour
Try it with everything inside of the bank, this error probally only occurs if you don't have any coins at the bank, I'll refund you for this one incident!