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Hexis Tithe Farm PRO updated to v2.1.3.
Hexis Tithe Farm PRO updated to v2.1.2.
  • Tweak web service listeners to record metrics more accurately
  • Add default behavior for stopping, breaking, excessive actions, and inactivity
Hexis Tithe Farm PRO updated to v2.1.1.
  • Tweak web services
Hexis Tithe Farm PRO updated to v2.1.0.
  • Added web services
  • Added break conditions to all bots and hooked up break/goal handler
  • Cleaned up break/goal handler logic so it's more reliable
Hexis Tithe Farm PRO updated to v2.0.2.
  • Added a failsafe to make sure the bot stops when it's supposed to :)
Hexis Tithe Farm PRO updated to v2.0.1.
Hexis Tithe Farm PRO updated to v2.0.0.
  • Convert to new abstract framework
  • Change Skills tracker in the UI to use the skills base level rather than current level
Hexis Tithe Farm PRO updated to v1.3.3.
Hexis Tithe Farm PRO updated to v1.3.2.
  • Fix a bug in the break handler
  • Remove "Hop if over X players" from the UI
Hexis Tithe Farm PRO updated to v1.3.1.
  • Make world-hopping more reliable (I hope). Bot wil now hop worlds when it detects a player has planted, watered, or harvested one of our patches.