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Have used this script a lot, it seems to have issues with blue dragons now matter where it is selected to kill them, gets stuck going to isle of souls and in taverly dungeon it get to the slayer only area and red x clicks in about the middle of the room, no idea what its trying to do
Bot works well.
Tried on Shamans.
Yes it kills shamans just set up Lizardmen temple. But keep in mind it takes a lot of damage there. Usualy get jumped on head and takes 1purple explosion. (4/5 is great but could be better)
Bot works well once it's set up, was pretty darn efficient. I did receive a temporary ban though and there's a few reviews saying the same, so be mindful as always. Something this bot does may trigger something on Jagex' side - with careful use though, this bot would be fantastic, maybe I was just being a little too brazen!
I'm sorry to hear you got banned, and I appreciate you not leaving a negative review based on it. I'm glad to hear the bot works well once you've got it setup :) For what it's worth, prayer flicking has been very hot recently, it could be that. Something to consider for the future...
is this bot useable for cannoning only? without anny melee range and magic dammage dealt? if somebody has some experience with this please share it with me
Unfortunately not, however you can use either Hexis Plugin Hub or Hexis Slayer Assistant to perform this function. Try it out and see how it goes :)
Gets stuck on a loop teleporting to house with construction cape and leaving sometimes when trying to get a new task from duradel. Works fine for steve though
Once the bot is slaying monsters it works really well, but it gets stuck too often while walking to tasks. It would just stand on a tile for 25 minutes and then the bot stops as it hasn't gained any experience. An easy fix could be implemented to avoid this. Sometimes it even dies because it goes to weird locations to hop (such as steel dragons in Kourend Dungeon). I tried to signal this with the developer, but he is not looking into fixing these bugs.
I'll try to be positive here.

>An easy fix could be implemented to avoid this
I don't tell you how to do your job, you don't tell me how to do mine. If I remember correctly you repeatedly and relentlessly posted less-than-useful messages in my server which I started off acknowledging but it was futile to keep doing so. I even said that I have plans to replace the traversal soon, hence why I wasn't giving you the 1-on-1 attention you were looking for with this issue.

As of 3.15.0 I have replaced the old traversal system with RuneMate's Pathfinder system which may solve the majority of these issues. I'm working through any outstanding issues and actively fixed them

World hopping settings will always be a pain, how is the bot meant to behave when you're under attack but it needs to hop? It has no concept of what a safe zone is... I do what I reasonably can to avoid issues, but the bot isn't a human and can't think like one.
bot is good but sometimes it stops the bot because he cant open a door from farming guild etc
on my old account had never problems with bots now i need start is every 2-6hours because its crashed
Hi, I'm sorry this happened. I don't know why this would be the case, but I'll look at it today. In the meantime, can you send me your bot settings and logs? It would help with being able to recreate this issue. Thanks!
This bot requires *A LOT* of setup, as well as babysitting. After spending numerous hours setting up the bot perfectly for all applicable monsters, I ran into an error on Runemate requiring a full uninstall/reinstall (have had to do this multiple times in the past month alone). Normally, this is not an issue. However, for some reason, only this bot seems to forget all my settings I set up for said monsters, now requiring a FULL SETUP from scratch all over again. I also received a ban from this bot on another account after only botting for maybe 10-15 hours. Too much hassle and not even close to worth the risk. Would avoid.
I'm really sorry to hear about your ban — I know how frustrating that must be. While we do our best to keep our bots undetectable, Jagex's anti-cheat measures are always evolving, and unfortunately, no bot is ever 100% safe. I totally understand the time and effort you put into your account, and I wish there was more I could do to help.

As for your settings, I have notices in my bots on where to find your settings files on your PC. It is not my responsibility to save your settings, and it sounds like they were removed when you decided to uninstall RuneMate.

I urge you to take some time to reconsider your review as it seems like you had a good experience with it up until you lost your settings. Please review the bot based on the state and performance of when it was configured properly, and not when you're angry.
bot is 9/10 i would say 10/10 but i have to babysit sometimes as on some tasks like ankou in the stronghold cave and hellhounds in kourend it will stand outside the room then stop bot after 5 mins saying not moved and no xp gained. tried to close and start to see if that helped and was a glitch didnt work. could maby do with a slight update on that part other than that the bot is perfect.
thank you for the feedback, ill take a look at pathing soon to see if i can replicate it
Great bot, i would however like to see alternative routing for abyssal demons in the catacombs. Everytime i get that task, itll sit in the iron dragons and try hopping worlds and just die, causing the bot to stop wasting credits. Maybe even if it didnt try hopping until it was past the iron dragons would be fine. again, everything else has seemed to work perfectly
The bot only goes through the iron dragons if you don't have a fairy ring available to you as an order of priority. Try building a fairy ring in your POH, or carry a ardougne cape, and the bot will prioritise using the CIS teleport and enter through the north-east entrance. This assumes you've unlocked ALL Catacombs entrances, look on the wiki to see them all.
bot runs amazing but wasted $0.30 recently because the bot got stuck in a loop of POH > farming guild > POH over and over again in the middle of a lizardmen task after banking. nothing changed and idk how to fix it cause ive tried restarting multiple times
I want to leave a bad review justfor the classic sassy replies from creator, but fortunately the bot is extremely impressive. Takes a while to set up, but seems to be worth it. My only question is if I want to use NPC contact, does that mean the runes to cast it need to be in every inventory loadout, or does it know to go to bank for them?
I can sass you if you want?

How about you try and be less than a ray of sunshine? Your kindness is sickening.

To answer your question, if you want to use NPC contact the bot will travel to the bank and withdraw the runes. However, if you're on Lunars already, you'd benefit from just carrying them in your Rune pouch if possible.
Amazing bot, worth the long time it takes to set it up, don't just set it up and walk out the door, you will most likely have to watch your task and then change your setup slightly until you get it running perfectly.
Thanks for the feedback. Definitely works wonders once you've got it dialed in and it suits your account :)
Fantastic bot so far, been using it the past couple of days and it's been sensational!
I do wonder though, is there an option for the Karamja gloves tele straight to Duradel? Has that been implemented or can it be implemented? I couldn't find anything in regards to this.
Yes, carry your Karamja gloves in your inventory loadouts and the bot will use it.
This bot use to work wonders, but all of a sudden it doesn't seem to want to work as flawlessly as it did.

Have to keep checking and teleporting for it, since it just spams clicks in the same spot.

other then that, Hexis bots are the go to for anything you need OSRS.
I really hope that this gets fixed
Task? Settings?
Highly recommend this.
Take your time setting up perfectly to extreme matter, get everything you need ready prior to starting. Works amazing 5/5* when everything has been sorted.

Only few downsides:
-Atm is if i use the break/logout itll log back in and just do nothing and die. Could be just me, could be script
-Walking to the tree after ardy cloak is hella sus.
-Elves only have one place to kill, wasted skip/block
Used this previously to max my account (slayer was my last skill). Left it running 24/7 for weeks no issues, and no ban. Using again atm for one of my alts, works just as good as last time. Massively helps to have a maxed POH. Awesome bot!
For what it's worth I'm doing Slayer on my new account which has 40 Construction so I'm constantly improving the non-POH part of this bot. But yeah you'll always get better performance when using a decked out house :)
Made it to 99 slayer with this bot (and max). However, the last week when using it I noticed more issues then usual. I was babysitting it often except for the last day or two where I was not paying as close attention. When I did, however, I noticed multiple instances where the bot was misclicking in various scenarios, switching wearable items back and forth (due to the bot not properly depositing the last loadout in bank). Others have commented on the discord of the issues running the bot and said they also had switched over to another slayer bot due to them realizing Hexis Slayer AIO bot not running as well as it used to.

Got perm banned on a freshly maxed account. The Slayer bot was the only bot I used. I breaked, botted smartly as I did with all the other skills I got to 99 yet was banned. Now before anyone says I got unlucky and there was a ban wave, that is far from the truth. I know a few others who were botting around and at the same time I was for much longer hours, less or no breaks, yet they are still good to go.

Upsetting to say the least. Would not recommend this bot unless you babysit it 100% of the time in its current state. Lots of overhaul work needed. Proceed with caution.
You got 99 with it but it needs an overhaul and needs constant babysitting? You could have, and should have, reported the bug you noticed. Bit unfair really, but you do you.
Really wish the bot would prioritize kourend portal in POH for catacombs task instead of fairy rings and walking
Entirely depends on what task you have. Unlock ALL Catacombs entrances and the fairy rings will be quicker in some cases.
Don't bother using this as a fighter bot for Lizardman Shaman. Tanks a purple 90% of the time, sometimes tanks melee hits from a shaman for the full duration of a kill, sometimes decides to exit and re-enter the room at temple for no reason... 26 kills in one inventory. When I restocked, he enters the room and instantly starts tanking melee hits. Removed from my bot list.
see ya