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Honest review here I've been working closely with the dev to help improve this for ironmen, it is wonderful on an empty world where no one else is getting drops. Getting 15+ kc off task per inventory easily it switches perfectly fights perfectly, sometimes it misses a pot or two. But when you go on a populated world it desperately tries picking up others drops even if you are ironman. The solution, tele out and hop worlds to an empty one. Current state is almost perfect and I hope this small inconvenience is patched soon as the bot is flawless for mains (minus the small pot problem haha)
Works okay. The actual killing gorillas mechanics are good. Issues are with banking and looting :
-Bot tries to pick up other people's loot. Makes it very difficult to use for ironman without getting stuck in spamming 'can't pickup other player's loot' errors when you look away for 2 seconds.
-When I'm running 'POH' restore method and spirit tree to reset, it will withdraw 2 dust runes (using for teleport), teleport to house, and then do another inventory check and realize its missing 1 dust rune and bank again, and get stuck in an infinite loop of doing this. Why is there another check inventory action after teleporting out? Let it check only before teleporting out.
Looting issues are fixed in the latest version, if you care you retry it. Thanks for the helpful and descriptive review :)
Thing is tweaking over the simplest things bro, hit me with a refund on the 5 times it shut down over its inability to find my weapon despite it being in my inventory
Join my server (https://discord.gg/EqC6UebYVe) and use the setup instructions (https://discord.com/channels/1105921193002926192/1119370594509664367) to understand how to set it up. You'll have a conflict in your loadouts that you need to sort.

The summary is: the equipment you had on when saving your inventory loadout needs to be the same equipment loadout you withdraw at the bank. Wielding arclight and defender when saving your inventory loadout? You need to withdraw your arclight loadout at the bank.
got me 2 zenytes in a single black demon task
600 mantas for 2 zenytes is a good deal :prime: :handshake: :hexis:
Bot is does not start. restarted it 5 times and it does not work. Wasted $0.75
Bot works perfectly fine. Disable your plugins and join the RuneMate discord server or my discord server for more support. Happy to help you out with your problems.
great bot takes a little to set it up but once it going its great. Would a working loot tracker and maybea kills perhour etc

But does the job well
Good work, Just works as intended and had no problems.
I appreciate the kind words. There's lots to improve and I'm happy you're enjoying it as it's only going to get better