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Had to write a review just to go against all the negatives. Works almost flawlessly whenever set up correctly. Haven't really ran for super long periods, but I doubt there would be any issues. Does what it says/what you need it to do. Works great!
Bot is now just spam teleporting to grand tree and keeps doing that forever...
After following the instructions, this bot works great. Swaps gear perfectly, moves out of the way of the rocks, and specs with the weapon I chose. No issues :)
very buggy, gets to demons starts clicking everywhere and sometimes just stops working. lost money on 4 occasions on paid instances and it even got me killed and stop working. and only got 25 mins max out of it id like to be refunded even got me killed again well writing this review needs alot of work please refund.
Bot works fine
Bot wlaks to cave just fine, sips and prayer up and then just goes haywire clicking all over the place and doesn nothing basically. After manually stopping the bot, runemate fully crashes.

Tested on 4 different instances on trial. Don't pay for it before trying it out.
4.5 STARS! Works VERY well, But it has a small chance (-10%) of breaking and failure - Could be RM's updates fault but A $0.15 restart cost and the chance of looping teleports, and being a suspicious bot before stopping. Non maxed acc's ofc have a chance of dying as well.
I read the directions. Did the set up how it said. Has worked perfect since. Perhaps people should learn how to read? Good bot.
You have a lot more self-awareness than most, I like it. Thank you :)
bot was working in trail so i switched to full bot gears up and teleports to grand tree and sits there if i manually path to demonics just teleports back, why couldnt this bot be easy to use like zulrah mate :/
You messed up the configuration, fix it and it will work. Little secret - trial and paid code is exactly the same.
hey man this used to work pretty good for the past 3 times i tried to run it it doesnt load settings to let get it to run.. just says settings and its blank.. what do i do?
Might be the hardest bot configuration I have ever seen, it will eat your first 2$ on the app.
5 concise steps in the bot overview and a step-by-step video guide is too hard to follow? How about you vote on the performance of the bot and it's features rather than your lack of understanding on how to set it up.
hey man bot works good but thursday runemate was having issues and it ran 3 times and all stopped before 5 mins due to runelite crashing with the bugs its not your fault was curious if i could get a .45 refund for those other than that bot works great the banking is super quick though. keep it up man <3
Since the release of RuneMate 4.0 the mechanism for transferring credits from one user to another has been removed. It is not possible for me to send credits to refund failed bot sessions. This has been hinted at being reintroduced but if you want to voice a stronger opinion I recommend you post in the RuneMate discord.

It is possible to gift credits however it's extremely cost prohibitive. The minimum amount of credits you can buy is $1 and that costs $1.20 which includes Paypal fees. If you lost $1 to my bots, I only receive $0.70 as RuneMate takes a 30% cut straight away. So to refund $1 I'd have to pay $1.20 and lose $0.50.
Used for over 2500 kills. Works well, has a few small bugs which sometimes require restarts.
This bot is not easy to setup, I had to stop it several times to eventually get it to work, and it's charged me 7 Hours, for using it just over 2 hours. I assume for having to stop/start it, due to poor setup interface.

Could easily be 5* if it had a setup like Zulrah mate, where you equip gear then just click "Range Setup > Refresh > Save"
spent almost 2 hours trying to set this up. luckily one hour was the free one. sets up inventory fine. i pick and load my range setup and i pick and load my melee setup. click run then it deposits everything and withdraws everything except melee gear and starts running towards demonics.
Great bot, having an issue with bolts randomly. Even though I have thousands equipped it stands at the bank and says can’t find rune bolts and idles
If you have saved your loadout with your entire bank stack equipped, the bot will be looking for that exact amount before leaving to go to demonics again. I suggest only wielding a lower amount when saving loadouts so you'll always be able to start with the same number each time :)
I really like this bot, saved me lots of hassle, but sadly it deposits all when banking, and has to regrab everything
What's wrong with that? It adds maybe a few seconds to banking. It's a recent change that solved an edge case in the banking logic, reported from this bot, would you rather I revert it and you get stuck in a banking loop?

Thank you for the feedback.
constantly dying. bot keeps stopping for no reason after 8-10 kills
If you look slightly towards the top of the page there's a tab called "Discussion". That's frequently where people find support for the issues they have, unlike the review section which you posted in.

I wouldn't expect you to follow up with asking for help as it seems you'd rather complain and not do anything about it, but I'll leave the decision up to you.
Its very good, but the last try its keep hanging on: Configure your settings and hit start. But i already hit on start.
Tried it a couple times with other settings but it didnt work, but i took me 1 dollar.. How can i fix this or when would it be updated?
Without a doubt one of the best bots on this platform. Not a big fan of the UI (sometimes doesn't let me scroll down) but the bot 100% makes up for that. Great work!
THE best bot that I have used. 800+ kc with 2 shards now