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Sorry mate alot of babysitting it took 0.45$ for restarting. it will not un note with the butler my planks only philas works.
It works, but clicks too quickly even with random afk timer, resulted in temp ban 48 hours after use.
As long as you get it up and going before you run the script, it runs great! ( that means getting the butler active to the bank before you run the script and have your planks squared away and also a servants pouch at lvl 58).
This bot is fucking dog shit. it steals ur money it doesnt explain how to set it up and you click play and it takes ur money and doesnt do shit. youre all a fucking joke
Works great, no problems whatsoever to report 1-68
Not sure what happened since I've used this bot before on another account to get 99 construction and this was working about a week ago, but it doesn't work at all now. At best it spam clicks the Demon Butler and that's as far as it goes. Also, Hexis Slayer Assistant doesn't work at all. It seems as though most of your bots broke at some point over the last work for some reason
Requires constant babysitting (gets stuck) and crashes all the time which = $$$$$$$
Crashing how? If you want me to fix anything then you have to give me some helpful information rather than "crashes all the time"
This script works, but the actions are pretty bad (double clicking, not waiting long enough, etc) so I don't really feel comfortable using this long term.
It's alright, currently making mahog tables, get the angle right and im currently at 550k-590k exp per hour.. make sure to use random idle, so far so good, went from 77 construction to 91.
Idk why everyone is crying, I get 550k exp/h good bot so far.
thank you man
Noah this bot got stuck a lot had to babysit once i was finally able to get to work would have to pause and get character back in position
no problems at all.. getting 430k/hr mahogany tables, got an account to 99 a few months ago with this script and its doing just as good if not better now. works best with servants and moneybag, don't know how anyone can write a bad review on this unless they just aren't following the right procedure. Bot safely my friends :) Hexis your a beauty
bot does what its supposed to do, but xp rates are extemely slow for mahogany tables, im getting 330k/hr
A quick fix would be to tell your butler to fetch more planks while you still have half invy of planks left, instead of telling him to fetch when invy is out, this wastes alot of time, and it results to getting about only half xp/hr
Performance has been boosted recently if you care to try again.
Gotten me from 34 - 74 construction easy peasy. I do have a problem now that I've hit 74 though. when I try to capture the door position of the Oak Door.... it doesn't do anything. I stand right next to the door, camera aimed at it and only it, but it just says "Door position is null."
99 Con without probs! :)
Hell yeah!
im not sure what was going on today with the new update but it bugged out several times if i started the bot from being already logged in and it made my client crash, i then logged out and let runemate log in for me and it worked fine. might just want to baby sit to start off, maybe my pc is just wack idk, never had any problems before this update though 5 out of 5 because i have got 2 accounts to 99 construction using this bot, all and all great bot. (officail osrs client)
Please follow this video to fix client crashes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oQ5ec-HcdA
33-91 Construction in 2 days! works great with the demon butler.
Some flaws with the lvl 40 servant, but al in al.
Great stuff! :)
Huuuuuuuuuuuuge man, congrats
Since the last update it really runs that amazing , i had to make another review for this version ! top tier bot ! timing is perfect now , and i got from 1 - 77 on a lvl 3 acc that was not even rested lol... no ban yet! lets hope it stays like that ! Amazing work!
Thanks man, always great to hear the changes are working.
Got from 54 to 72 construction without any issues! Cheers bruv.
It definitly is an amazing script ! Thanks for that ! Gladly spend my money on this!
Two things tho , the timing with the butler is far from perfect, you make an empty click almost everytime you talk to the butler (right when the bot wants to send him get more planks) ! The Bot clicks the Butler but it doesnt register even tho its a red click , it is still building the table ,and can not actually talk to the butler as its still busy ! Maybe you could look into that :) ! also the removal of the last table , always happens after a small delay! i hope this wont cause any detection ! Other than that just a BIG Thank You! :)
Thanks man! And thank you for the feedback, I'll definitely that it on board :)