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Ran perfect first 2 times I ran this killing hill giants. Last time I ran came back and hardcore ironman had died with base 60s against hill giants
I've been using this at hill giants f2p for a couple days now and it seems to be running very smoothly. The only walls or hickups I've ran in to have been from my lack of settings. Well done on this one! Wil update with progress in the future
he doesnt pick up any looot i wrote
The fighter is fine but it just isn't looting. Got everything typed correctly in both loot/alch boxes and it just won't pick anything up.
The GroundItems plugin can mess with looting, feel free to join the #fighter channel on Discord, I might be able to help you out there
Completely flawless. Played around with the settings to my liking and essentially turned it into a slayer bot. This is epic.
Been using this bot for a few days now and it works exactly as intended, and its free? winning.
Have been using Alpha fighter for a long time, you can really see the upgrade from alpha bot and all the settings that have been brought over! Give it a try you could ask for a better fighter and banker!
Works great now that I figured it out, needs more concise direction and explanations
didnt work for me at yaks..
came here after alpha fighter. hope there's an option to add the npc's combat levels later on since certain npcs have different levels but same name that i was using alpha for!
Perfect fighting bot.
Only fighter bot that works at caged ogres with cannon... nice
I fixed the issue I had, you can delete previous review. :D Good bot.