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Very well made bot. As some users have pointed out, it ocasionally gets stuck spamming other mobs while being attacked, but other than that there's been no problem. It would be nice if there was a prayer option where it would flick prayer against multiple attack styles, but this bot is like a godsent for broke users so I won't complain!
Decent enough combat bot, Picked it up because I wanted one that worked with the cannon and while this one has settings for the cannon it doesnt actually refil the ammo
would be 5 stars but sometimes it won't realise it is being attacked and will spam and path to attack its next target while the other npc is going to town on it (would advise waiting for the aggression timer to end before starting), also it attacks then starts to flick prayers but this is too slow so you will get hit off prayer every npc, babysit bot but still the best one out there.
For anyone facing cannon empty issue, it's happening when the npcs are under the cannon. Set "always right click" and it resolved for me.
This bot is missing the "Eat food for looting space" -option so that i could turn it off, now it keeps doing it automatically and there is no stopping it. Otherwise than that i thought i found the perfect combat bot :(
Probably the best script in the whole store. A+
just keeps picking up cannon.... will attack npcs whioch is nice but losing alot of xp due to cannon not working, i setup coordinates but it still will not load or fire
Great bot, working great. Is there a way to disable an item for pick up? Doing Armoured zombies and it picks up all the bottles nearby.
when ur using a canoon it'll try to attack a mob sometimes that is not attacking u instead of the one attacking u at that moment
Is this if you're not in multi and you're being hit? Mind sending me some more details over DM?
Works perfectly, with the exception I can't find the way to make banking and pickup up some loot work. It'd be helpful if instructions were included to make it work this way.
Bot works perfect only problem I have is that it keeps unloading my cannon for some reason but other than that its great
nearly perfect for my use. Only thing is looting is bugged. It picks up items even though i adjust the value OR put specific items, it just picks up everything. Furthermore it eats my food (even though i set it to eat at a certain low level) just to make space to loot the ground item.

wasted alot of food due to this.

other than that, its EXCELLENT
This thing is mean. Hexis slayer bot is no good. This is my slayer bot. Works flawless.
The Don 5* Rated - Top Fighter Bot on RM which is highly customisable. Cannon, prayer flicking, speccing, looting and even banking! Suits all account builds Good job Mr Slashnhax
Didnt picked abby whip at demons, pretty awful for an ironman, otherwise worked well
Mostly good, but doesn't return to the safespot after picking up items. in the time between initiating battle and returning to the safespot, someone can take your mob
Fantastic, would be 6 stars if it could handle superiors :p
Great bot. Looting works well. It desperately needs an emergency tele tab option. It has a banking tele tab option, but isn't triggered by low health and no food. I've died a couple times
Good bot so far, loot doesn't work majority of the time even with ground items off, maybe it's cause I have 117 on but I cbf changing all my plugins so I'm not using the loot feature since I babysit anyways, but the main issue is it continues to flick prayers whenever I click pause, fairly annoying but still good bot regardless.
Perfect for F2p or P2p, Love the options and the fact that its free :P Only thing I would say is the prayer flicking is OP and maybe could be the what gets you got, can keep protection prayers up for an hour without losing 1 prayer point. :P Keep up the great work <3