the negative reviewers clearly cant read the instructions. took me a few world hops to get a world with 95%+ then launched the script
Firecape done with 80 ranged 60 def 1 hour 10min for the price of 5 range pots and 1 manta ray.... this script is nothing but just amazing. it even used the dragon crossbow spec on the healer stack to deal AOE dammage.
Don't listen to the bad reviews! 10/10 Bot worked very well! Did it on my Iron with low stats and Gear.
Full Void
Rune Crossbow
Diamont- Bolts (e)
3 Prayer-Potions (Bot only used 3 Sips)
25 Mantarays (only used 3)
No Rangerpotion at all!!
it works alright it does appear to get an error tho every known and again which does suck as when you restart it it charges you the full price again even tho it ran for like 15 minutes, think it needs some work if just charged one and ran for the hour would be a good one
I don't know where all these negative reviews are from, but my guess is that they just didn't read the instructions. I used the tick tracker plugin, saw tick health at 95%, hopped to a good world, and let the bot do its thing. Its 100% flawless, got me my fire cape.
Their damage is calculated on the tick they attack, not the tick it lands, so if they attack the same time you can't pray against both, if offtick rangers is selected it should try to make the ranger attack on a different tick by stepping under it
Sounds like a tick health issue resulting in mistimed prayer flicks. What was your tick health % at, and were your FPS stable? Please feel free to send through any logs which can help me fix issues. Preferably on discord or PM here.
Runs out of food at wave 40+. All high 90 stats with more than decent gear. It will just simply stand in the middle and take random hits at times. Couldn't do a single completion.
Sounds like a tick health issue resulting in 'ghost' npcs. What was your tick health % at, and were your FPS stable? Please feel free to send through any logs which can help me fix issues. Preferably on discord or PM here.
IGNORE THE REVIEW UNDER MINE. I finished at 57 minutes with 1 prayer pot (only sipped once), 1 stamina (only sipped once), and 5 range pots (used all of them) and the rest sharks. I'm 44 defense with 76 range in full void. 10/10 script. I also used the trial, not the premium.
A bit more information would be appreciated, is it missing prayer flicks, eating when it has enough hp? Most issues people experience are caused by bad ticks/low tick health, which you can track using the tick tracker plugin.