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  • Included automated 1-99 herblore via potion making (optional button press)
  • Added ability to change the speed of cleaning herbs w/o changing spectre settings
  • Removed huge delay in potion making
  • Re-added ability to load/save tasks
  • Icons
  • Fixed task system progression (so it no longer logs instead of progressing to next task under certain circumstances)
  • Added more playersense
  • Enhanced amulet of chemistry so that if you now select it, the bot will bank as soon as your amulet of chemistry breaks.
  • Fixed task handler to block any shortcut inputs (i.e. you can't put 4k instead of 4000 now) as that was causing some errors with parsing the value
  • Setting up for new breakhandler (removable breaks, custom breaks set via exact time, etc).
  • Setting up for saving tasks and automated progression (i.e. autofilling tasks 1-99 herb)
  • Fixed crash for those who tried to start the bot w/o adding any tasks.
  • Fixed early crash errors for users that took to long to setup the bot (which shouldn't happen because you're given 5 minutes...)
  • Fixed AIOB error when mixing potions
  • Fixed logging out on tasks if a secondary wasn't/isn't found