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  • Fixed finding unfinished potions for when using "Complete" tasks.
  • Fixed time trackers when taking breaks
  • Enhanced mixing and combining potions to use the two closest ingredients to look more humanlike
  • Fixed checking for correct levels when logged out
  • New custom task system
  • Task system gives options to stop at certain level or certain number of iterations (defaults to unlimited/when you run out)
  • Added status logs tab to keep track of progression
  • Added 'snake' method for cleaning herbs
  • Updated/Fixed item tracker
  • Added hunter potion
  • Added ability to save/load settings
  • Added extended antifire, stamina pots, anti-venom and anti-venom+
  • Fixed profit counter and potion counter
  • Fixed delay w/ finished pots
  • Added TTL and current level in the UI
  • Fixed error with making finished potions due to RS update
  • Fixed recognizing ranging potion's secondary item
  • Setting up elements to include TTL, current level, loading/saving breaks and loading/saving bot settings.
  • Fixed error with cleaning herbs and accidentally selecting them