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This bot is flawless, 91 smithing no bans ever from anything cuppa puts out, 100k's of cannonballs made
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Updating my review. Very professional, developer took my comment and fixed the bug and no longer have issue with missed clicks! Been running since at edgeville daily, no issues

Thank you for following up!
Awesome script. Makes iron-maning so much more bearable. Been making bars / cannonballs. The usualssss ya know. 10/10
It works but how i wish that it would interact slightly faster, it is 20-30% slower than average rate that were stated on wiki. eg, making cannon balls using doublemould yields 3.3-3.4k using this bot while wiki rates says 4.3k-4.8k
Honestly wiki rates are always inflated and should not be aimed for. They're usually based off near tick-perfect rates, which really isn't what bots should be doing imo, because real players won't keep those rates up for long, and we want bots to have "human" delays.

Either way I can try to see what delays I can improve, but I don't believe I even have that many coded in tbh.

PS you can raise Runemate's mouse speed to 3x in Runemate settings, that may help
Haven't run this bot, but just overriding the bad review from paw because he didn't read discord.
Super slow, my goodness. 1250 tiara's per hour? What in the world is this. Figure it out.
Hi, I dmed you a while ago to follow up but you never responded. I'll just post my message here I guess.

I'm testing the bot on my end and seem to be getting about 1700 tiaras per hour at edgeville furnace, and it seems to be pretty efficient on my end. Are you using edgeville furnace or a different one? Could something else be decreasing your tiaras per hour, like the random afk handler or breaks or something?

Please keep in mind that the "items smelted/h" includes any downtime while setting up the bot/before running it, breaks, afks, etc. So it'll be very low for the first bit and around the time of idles.

Also the bot isn't really intended to be 100% efficient but it seems pretty smooth.

I guess I'd also be curious what tiara/h amount you'd be expect or where you think the bot should be shaving off more idle time?
Great bot! So happy this is the only bot that can make silver bolts (good craft for ironmen) Bot author is very helpful and open for all feedback.
Very nice bot but.. why do u have Lovakite bar on it when u cant use it? :)
Awkward :P Didn't realise you could only use them on a specific furnace. Honestly no one's mentioned this in the years the bot has existed, so I suppose no one would mind if I just remove lovakite. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Used to make cannonballs, works perfect
<3 <3 <3
Been using this bot to make cannonballs on GIM alts.

Only issue I've run into is if you have all the bars noted in your inventory it just runs up to the furnace and stands there. But that's more of my mistake than the bot.
Little wonky sometimes, but works better than initially though
Most improved, Cuppa Smelter :D

Glad it's working solid at least.
Great piece, works flawless. only thing ill say is to be able to smelt tiaras please
I think we already spoke on discord, but just for anyone else reading this, the bot does indeed smelt tiaras :)
As with all Cuppa bots, this one is excellent.
When smelting molten glass, the bot will sometimes randomly throw a "the bot has been idle for more than 5 minutes" error and stop, despite no idling actually occurring. This happens seemingly at random, have had it run for 8+ hours without crashing and sometimes only 30 minutes. Happens at multiple furnace locations as it is running up to the furnace to smelt.
I'm glad it's mostly working well for you :)

I have a couple failsafes that are similar which execute when the bot hasn't detected any experience gained OR any clicks within a certain amount of time.

If this failsafe is executing when the bot is running fine, honestly it's unfortunately probably some weird Runemate bug with detecting xp gained/clicks.

The general advice is to bot on Runelite with all plugins disabled (you can make a separate profile). I honestly don't really know what other advice to give here.
Got banned after four days of 8 hour sessions with breaks, and everything. Four accounts are still running with different scripts, but this smelter got my acc permed.
I'm sorry you got banned. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts, bans are always a possibility.

If you have any further feedback on specific ways you think the bot could be improved/to reduce risk (eg. unnatural behavior or getting stuck at all), please feel free to let me know.
Bot works great, double cannon mould too. It would be less bot-like if it would just keep the cannonballs in the inventory rather than banking. Since you otherwise have an uneven number in your inventory anyway. Keep up the good work :)
Really solid and hasn't had any problems!
Solid bot like all of cuppas, reccomend using runelite plugin. Only snag I noticed is that it would double click in my bank when depositing the bars. It would go to the whole bank view deposit bars, return to a tab view grab ores and then bank. Even though the bars and ores are in the same tab. Fixed by moving bars and ores to the first spot in the bank. Other than that flawless for cannonballs and bars.
Hey, I'm glad it's working well overall :)

So I think this weird banking logic might actually be a Runemate bug/quirk; I know that Runemate's banking logic was changed lately to use tabs more, and it sounds like there might be some weird case where that's causing it to switch tabs to deposit when it doesn't need to.

Either way I'll try to look more into it and propose a fix to the client devs. Thanks for the heads up.
Great bot, just need to add double ammo mould
Hey, the bot does support the double ammo mould :) Just select Cannonballs, and then double ammo mould is in the secondary menu.
Works well, not sure how long I had uptime with the bot. Only did it after work one day and came back to log in today to my account perma-banned.
I'm sorry you got banned. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts, bans are always a possibility.

If you used any other bots within the past couple weeks it is also possible they were the cause of the ban, as Jagex often delays bans. But I am sorry either way.

Out of curiosity, are you on the Vanilla client or Runelite? For what it's worth, (anecdotally) there seems to be a common trend that botters are getting banned *way* less on Runelite than Vanilla (using Runemate). So if you decide to continue botting, I strongly recommend using Runelite if you haven't been already.

If you have any further feedback on specific ways you think the bot could be improved/to reduce risk (eg. unnatural behavior or getting stuck at all), please feel free to let me know.
Works perfectly. I go back and forth between this and giants foundry by dans. 81 smithing in a day basically just from making cballs with these bots.