Very quality. Clearly updated often and well-made like all Cuppa products.
Make sure you are on fixed, the input lag will cost you portals otherwise.
Some minor gripes:
- Add a checkbox to always cast NPC contact between games (can skip the crafting period after the game ends so it has time to do so?), sometimes it waits until the pouches degrade in the middle of a game.
- Always puts a cell down the first time, even when there is a portal open to the huge mining western area.
- uses dpick spec mid/late in the game rather than prioritizing it for the beginning fragment mining period.
- prioritizes mining in the very late game. after a certain power % (say, 90-95+%) I stop mining and prioritize making/depositing essence/cells and then just hang till the next game. this is by far the most not-humanlike behavior
Otherwise, seems pretty close to meta-like.
:) thanks for being awesome