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Been using since the conception of the script , and let me just say that it's growth has been amazing to be apart of and as i always say , this mans scripts are crispier than popeyes chicken sandwiches i swear ! 50+ hours , no enhanced yet , but 2 pets a bunch of armor seeds and 3 reg weapon seeds! Another amazing bot cuppa <3 Cheers!
<3 <3 <3
Does very well. KD ratios are best on low ping.
Bot is perfect. It feels like the bad reviews are people that refuse to join the discord to ask how this bot works, or are unable to troubleshoot their issues.
Can complete cg, but sometimes it is like the bot is trying to kill itself. It prioritizes attacking over avoiding damage, and more times than not, it ends up being the reason I die.
Just a note, it only prioritizes attacking over avoiding tornados if it's "far enough" from tornados and not on a dangerous tile, though depending on FPS/ping/cpu spikes/mouse speed it can lag slightly on it.

If you don't have directinput & hopping mouse on already, I do recommend them.
Ended up with 2 kills and like 7 or 8 deaths before I gave up. It's just clunky, tried it with & without direct input and mouse hopping & got the same result more or less. Max combat main BTW.

It just keeps letting the tornadoes deal damage, doesn't eat when it should due to the fact it sits at 40-50hp at times and gets taken out by tornados.

The item switches seemed kinda slow, not really sure about the prayer switches, they seemed fine. Big issue was tornado and the bot not eating to full hp eo avoid dying to them. Good luck with the script tho!
Hey, I'm sorry the bot isn't working properly for you.

I just want to mention off the bat that a low success rate on a high combat account is not expected or normal. Just for reference, the bot tracks KD, and the average KD (all botters) for v0.3.7 is 80%, and the single highest current run is 138:8 K:D (91%). Personally I usually get ~22:2 K:D when running overnight on my high-level-but-not-maxed account.

I only mention the above to give some context on what is possible with the bot.

Though I know the above doesn't actually help; So all that aside, all I can do here is offer some general debugging advice:
- The main thing causing issues for botters is plugins. If you are on Runelite, please try disabling ALL plugins, as a lot of them break bot behavior. You can make a separate profile with all plugins off, so you can play on your regular profile when not botting.
- Make sure your FPS/ping are reasonable. (At least 30+ FPS and 50ms- ping)
- Make sure CPU usage/ram aren't spiking too much
- It could be the mouse speed. I recommend leaving DirectInput & Hopping Mouse on, and crank RM mouse speed to 3x (in settings)
- Ensure the account stats are actually reasonable (stats in the 80s-90s should be decent, ideally with Rigour/Augury, though botters on pures/zerks are getting some kills)

Of course it's possible these issues you're facing are just things I need to improve, and I will keep working on the bot. I will take your feedback into consideration. But I'm just trying to help bump your success rate to 80-90% here as other botters are experiencing.
Bot is clunky - my high combat toon has less than 50% success rate and it always seems to get boss to sub 50hp. Performs perfectly during boss but when boss hits sub 50hp it almost intentionally gets one shot. Performs very well the first phase then falls on its face for no obvious reason. After 6 hours of testing, I've completed 12 times and died 14. It has died over 4 times from simply not running into demi god room and dying to ads. Also doesn't top off health before finishing cooking and entering boss room. For the cost of this bot, I would expect it to perform better as my character far exceeds the requirements to perform well in CG.

I have always been impressed by Cuppas bots, but this one is a clear miss. I understand there is a lot to this bot compared to others but the price of it should align with the performance.
Hey, I'm sorry the bot isn't working properly for you.

I just want to mention off the bat that sub 50% success rate on a high combat account is not expected or normal. Just for reference, the bot tracks KD, and the average Corrupt KD (all botters) for v0.3.7 is 81%, and the single highest current run is 138:8 K:D (91%). Personally I usually get ~22:2 K:D when running overnight on my combat levels 80s-90s account.

I only mention that because that is the reason for the price. I wouldn't have it at that price if everyone was getting sub-50% success rates; The average is 81% currently.

Though I know the above doesn't actually help; So all that aside, all I can do here is offer some general debugging advice:
- The main thing causing issues for botters is plugins. If you are on Runelite, please try disabling ALL plugins, as a lot of them break bot behavior. You can make a separate profile with all plugins off, so you can play on your regular profile when not botting.
- Make sure your FPS/ping are reasonable. (At least 30+ FPS and 50ms- ping)
- Make sure CPU usage/ram aren't spiking too much
- It could be the mouse speed. I recommend leaving DirectInput & Hopping Mouse on, and crank RM mouse speed to 3x (in settings)
- Ensure the account stats are actually reasonable (stats in the 80s-90s should be decent, ideally with Rigour/Augury, though botters on pures/zerks are getting some kills)

Of course it's possible these issues you're facing are just things I need to improve, and I will keep working on the bot. I will take your feedback into consideration. But I'm just trying to help bump your success rate to 80-90% here as other botters are experiencing.
Below reviewer is clearly running multiple windows and reducing his clients processing. Intensive bosses like Cor. Hunllef and Phosani Nightmare strive heavily on the client being your focused window at all times. This includes minimizing Runemate. Every frame matters in CG preparation and fight- if not you will die with raw food or to monsters.

Regular gauntlet is VERY capable of consistent kills and is not so frame-reliant. If you have a lower spec PC or Laptop and wish to do other things whilst running, this is your go-to. Many chances for the bot to recuperate itself and take out boss with plenty food left.

Corrupted gauntlet is very frame-reliant and small pauses in performance has a big toll on whether you have enough food or potions for the fight - let alone surviving the fight. I personally run a 1 Defence 45 Prayer pure with choice of 4 potions and when my laptop is at peak performance, I was getting about 6 kills per 1 death/or early leave. On occasion, you might be protecting magic while killing a dragon however being attacked by melee behind you - leaving you a risk of dying early game; better earlier than later. He is aware of this as it's the biggest issue currently alongside the client crashes that may happen on occasion.

As a whole, the bot is very capable and knows what it's doing. This is BETA stage, this is not final. There are occasional times as hours go by where the bot may begin idling or crash but ends session as a fail safe so you aren't losing credits. (Something most developers use as a loop-hole for more profit and refuse to fix) - Cuppa is an honest and genuine developer that introduces as many fail safes as needed, these can be suggested to him via Discord.

As a developer who has always focused on skilling, he has truly knocked the ball out the park with this bot. Give it a go, chuck feedback or suggestions in Discord.

I should have run my bot before writing this.
Hey, I appreciate the kind and detailed review :) As you mentioned a few of these improvements to make are still on my radar, but I'm glad it's working solidly as well!
Extremely inconsistent with prep, fairly consistent actually fighting Hunn. I'm currently sitting on 3 kc and 40 deaths doing cg. Very often the bot will have a full inventory of raw food, less than 30s on the prep timer, and will still prioritize killing a demi boss for a T3 upgrade over crafting gear/cooking food. Very expensive bot for how inconsistent these kills are.

For reference, I'm playing on a low ping world, with good fps and I've disabled all plugins bar GPU, loot tracker, and FPS.

A couple suggestions:

- What would be nice is if I could use the hunn killing component of the bot on its own. I can consistently do the prep myself with plenty of time spare, and the hunn killing script is actually fairly good.
- If there's less than a set amount of time left on the prep timer (60s?) and the bot hasn't yet found all T3 upgrades, it should stop looking for them, return to the start room, and craft / cook the resources it's already gathered. Being down a T3 weapon but having a full inventory of food will net more consistent kills than it getting teleported to hunn practically naked while it's looking for the last demi boss (which happens ~40% of the time).
- Similar to above, if it gets to the last min of prep and it still hasn't found enough resources to craft T1 armor, it should just bail and restart.
- During the hunt for demi bosses, it should prioritize finding them far higher than obtaining other resources (I've often had the bot stop to kill large enemies to obtain more shards when I know that the demi boss would likely have dropped the same amount it needed)
Hey, something is definitely going very wrong with Runemate for you, as 3:40 KD is extremely low. The majority of botters (myself included) are seeing 80-90%+ KD, as you can see in the progress logs on the bot's page: https://www.runemate.com/community/resources/cuppa-corruptedgauntlet-beta-sale.2208/

For what it's worth, I do have a fix for a few current (minor) issues queued that should be released in the next few hours, so it's possible you might have better success in the next update.

Your FPS/ping/plugins all sound fine, which is surprising as usually it's a plugin issue causing this. There WAS a Runemate issue hovering large models last night, which may have caused the low success rate for you, but that has been fixed today & should be good if you restart OSRS & RM.

Other general advice is to raise your Runemate mouse speed (in Runemate settings), keep the settings similar to default, (double check plugins are off as those really are usually the issue but probably aren't here), check your CPU usage/ram is not spiking too high.

I do appreciate your suggestions, and I do plan to implement pretty much all of those eventually. But I want to be clear that those definitely aren't the root cause for the bot's low success rate on your end, which is why I'm focusing on debugging.

tl;dr: something is definitely not working correctly for you, and if you DM me more info on what seems to be slowing down prep SO much I can help debug more. But I think the best advice is to just wait a few hours/until the next update and let me know how it goes.

pls consider updating the review if it works better in the future
One of my favorites. Consistent with a break timer. Cant beat it.
As always Cuppa delivers!

Over 700 corrupt KC around 70 deaths
Highly recommend!
Brilliant script. over 100 kc now with it, few issues but nothing that would knock this down from a 5 star. Also put a few suggestions in to cuppa who's acknowledged them and is actively looking to improve it. Would 100% recommend
First of all, I only use Cuppa scripts. I use them exclusively for the high quality and low ban rate. Why would you release this script at such a high price when it has to use sketchy highly bannable techniques such as direct input and mouse hopping for it to work? and even with these highly bannable techniques it only works half the time? im really disappointed that cuppa would release this script at 0.16/hour when it doesnt work and it has a high ban rate. Also its really annoying that the bot only uses range and mage for the hunnelef fight. I find that half the time the bot runs out of prep time because it is wasting time killing corrupted bears when it doesnt even use melee for the boss fight? i suggest if youre not going to add melee option for the boss fight to have the bot ignore the bears entirely as its a waste of time hoping they drop either the orb or the bow string. this is not the cuppa im used to.
Hey, I'm sorry you're disappointed, but I do feel like parts of this review are a bit unfair honestly. To address some of your concerns:

Regarding "ban rate" of the activity and/or bot's techniques:
No one has conclusively reported that they've been banned using this bot yet. I've botted 300 hours+ CG (mostly with DI & Mouse Hopping, some without), others more. One person mentioned he got banned after using it, but he also botted 7+ hours a day for weeks prior, so it was likely a delayed ban. Of course more bans will probably come in the future, but it's currently been very safe.

Regarding DirectInput & Mouse Hopping:
These can be disabled in settings and the bot will function fine, but the options exist because it improves the consistency/perfomance (especially for slower PCs, as Runemate's mouse is a bit inaccurate). As mentioned, there's been no conclusive proof this increases risk.

Regarding price:
I'm sorry the bot isn't working well for you, but the price is for the 80-90%+ WR a lot of people are seeing with CG. The price may not be worth it if you're having lower winrates, which might be happening for you, but I've been very actively trying to help debug issues. 95% of the issues reported were caused by plugins so please turn them all off when botting if you haven't yet. There's a few other things that could be issues, but it might also just be necessary to try again after I've made more improvements.

Regarding not using melee:
I don't know of any CG bots that use melee because it's much more complicated logic, and not really much better than mage/ranged.

Regarding killing the bear/taking extra time:
This can be disabled by toggling off "kill all demi-bosses". The bot defaults to killing the bear because it's more consistent; Demi bosses only drop their weapon part once, so if you come across 2 bears in a row (and don't kill them) + say a dragon, the run will be lost. But if you kill the 2 bears + dragon you're guaranteed to get all three T3 items.

"this is not the cuppa im used to"
I am sorry you're disappointed. I've been working on this about 5 months and will continue improving it, but it should be working solidly for most. If you're having specific issues I can help debug.

Hopefully this gives some insight into my thoughts/what's going on, and apologies the reply is so long.
This bot seems to be running very well! Easy bot to use and it gets the job done. Not to mention the friendly developer :3
<3 <3 <3
Today's update seems very good, so far 10 corrupted completions to 3 deaths and 1 leave due to resources. Keep in mind I am running this on a 1 defence account with 99 range and 90+ mage. Stable internet is key. Only thing which I think could be optimised is taking damages in prep if enemies are following you to a different room.

Will do my best regarding improving damage avoidance in prep
Just runs into danger far too much in hunllef fight, runs over danger tiles, tries to attack hunleff when lightning is right near the player (causing 40-80 damage) and misses a lot of attacks by moving for no reason. All these issues are causing me to die 50% of the time from either running out of food or just getting combo hit 80hp.
Hi, I'm pretty surprised to hear it's acting that inconsistently for you to be honest. A lot of botters have been telling me lately that they're seeing 80-90%+ success rates on CG these days. I'm sorry to hear it, and I do intend to keep working on the bot, so it may work better for you in the future.

If you are botting with Runemate on Runelite, you can also try disabling ALL plugins, as many can interfere with the bot behavior in unknown ways (you can make a separate profile on Runelite with your current plugins saved, for using when not botting).

You can keep the GPU plugin on with default settings, and fps/worldhop plugins for checking if your FPS/ping are reasonably low. The bot can get kind of laggy depending on your PC since it's running a lot of calculations (especially in the hunllef fight), which I will continue to try to optimize.
Got me a Enhanced Weapon Seed today - Bot does incredible on Normal, (have a maxed range/magic account, 90 defence) and decently well on CG, I'm not entirely certain if it's a placebo, but after 4 kills the deaths seem to happen back to back, restarting Runemate and Runelite seem to fix.
got 89 rage 88 mage and now i complete corrupt gauntlet 6/10 times this is top tier already
Amazing, I'd rate higher than 5 if I could. Getting around a 95% success rate on a high level but not maxed account, 80-95 mixed combat stats

Glad it's working so well for you already!
Constantly dying at the moment left the bot on for a couple of hours on my max account and comes back to 2 kills 10 deaths. Just isn't worth using at the moment, not sure why the price has gone up when the bot is still in early beta and dies most of the time.
I'm sorry the bot has been giving you trouble/not working properly for you. Obviously I understand 2:10 K:D is not impressive.

But the bot is not in "early beta" anymore, and a lot of users are getting KD rates of 80-90%+, so the price is set relative to that. But still a bit lower, as it's not working well for everyone.

Though, f course, I still want to improve the reliability for everyone.

Your review doesn't have a lot of context, so I can only guess at possible ways that might help improve your KD:
- the bot performs best with all plugins OFF, or at most only these on: GPU (with default settings), loot/worldhop/fps if you want
- make sure your FPS & ping are reasonably; also try to have as few things running in the background as possible. I use the bot overnight as it's too laggy when I'm doing stuff on my PC. But my PC is kinda crappy.
- it's recommended to have your Runemate mouse speed (in runemate settings) maxed out, and hopping mouse on, to be a bit more reliable

As I said, I'm still working on the bot & hoping to improve the reliability for everyone, so you can try out the bot again in the future if you like.
my highest combat stat is 88 range. i have 84 magic and 83 defence, and this has completed 3 corrupted gauntlets and has only died 2 times due to lag in normal i have 73 normal completions. very good so far