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Not only is this bot amazing but the dev is super helpful. I attempted to get the bot to run but for some reason it was acting up. Cuppa worked with me directly to help me troubleshoot and figure out what I was messing up. Now it runs flawlessly. I'm beyond happy with this and I can't recommend not only the cg bot but the dev in general. Super talented developer.
<3 <3 <3
works great
Amazing bot. Does everything perfectly! Mid 80 stats and completes the CG with ease!
The bot works VERY well, fights Hunllef perfectly. My ONLY complaint, or suggestion, is sometimes it prioritizes the wrong things. Such as, if you're a little short on crystals to create the armor, it will keep fighting monsters until it has enough, without prioritizing cooking the food, and it will be teleported in with no cooked food. Perhaps a dead set 1:00 left timer, no matter what item objectives are left, to return to base, cook, and prepare as much as possible for the fight. At least that will give the run a chance to succeed, instead of busting up in there with 0 food. When it has a good layout and gets all of what it needs, it's damn near perfect. Obviously, the nature of CG, you won't always have the best layout! :)

Other than that, this bot is flawless, and I run it for about an hour or two a day with no worries.

Cuppa is also an extremely solid developer and is always listening to the consumers for input. I am happy to pay for his bots, and he remains my #1 developer out of anyone on this entire site. Thank you for your excellent work, and always being open to our reviews and inquiries!!
Extremely well put together bot I'd recommend at least level 90 in Magic and Range with 4 Gyrm potions for the best consistency.
absolutely bonkers cuppa made something like this....
out of 100 completes I think I died once or twice with leaving early 2 times. Been botting quite a bit no bans from any of cuppas bots.
<3 <3 <3
As usual Cuppa coming in with a banger of a script, no complaints, rooms are rng so sometimes you luck out, but a 95% completion rate @112 cb, enough said right? playing corrupted btw. Well done Cuppa!
<3 <3 <3 <3
This is a great script for accounts with good stats and CoX prayers. I haven't tried it with anything else but the bot only dies due to not finding enough food which is really just an unlucky thing. I'm 206kc in with this script and have like 90% (probably higher) completion rate.

Only suggestion would be that for accounts with CoX prayers there should be an option to use bow + rigour instead of staff + augory. Either way it completes the runs but it might help idk.

So just to clarify, it does use both the bow + rigour/staff + augury in the boss fight (as you know, just for other people reading this).

And the reason it defaults to the staff is because the staff is *pretty much* always better DPS than the bow.

I just checked a DPS calc, and (for example fighting a Corrupted bear), even on an account with 99 ranged and only 50 magic: A crystal bow is 5 dps (6.2 with rigour), and a staff is 6.2 dps (6.6 with augury). And again, that's even an account with 99 ranged and 50 magic.

Unless I'm mistaken anywhere of course.
52 Completions, 39 Deaths.. I think its way to many deaths, when you pay for the script.
Hey, I'm sorry the bot isn't working properly for you.

I just want to mention off the bat that a low success rate on a high combat account is not expected or normal. Just for reference, the bot tracks KD, and the average Corrupt KD (all botters) for v1.0.2 is 81%, and the single highest current run is 328:8 K:D (98%).

I only mention the above to give some context on what is possible with the bot.

Though I know the above doesn't actually help; So all that aside, all I can do here is offer some general debugging advice:
- The main thing causing issues for botters is plugins. If you are on Runelite, please try disabling ALL plugins, as a lot of them break bot behavior. You can make a separate profile with all plugins off, so you can play on your regular profile when not botting.
- Make sure your FPS/ping are reasonable. (At least 30+ FPS and 50ms- ping)
- Make sure CPU usage/ram aren't spiking too much; You can close background programs.
- It could be the mouse speed. I recommend leaving DirectInput & Hopping Mouse on, and crank RM mouse speed to 3x (in settings)
- Ensure the account stats are actually reasonable (stats in the 80s-90s should be decent, ideally with Rigour/Augury, though botters on pures/zerks are getting some kills)

Of course it's possible these issues you're facing are just things I need to improve, and I will keep working on the bot. I will take your feedback into consideration. But I'm just trying to help bump your success rate to 80-90% here as other botters are experiencing.
Incredible script, no deaths in the last 30-40 completions, I think the rare deaths are when I run out of food due to entering the final fight with low food which I assume is down to RNG/room layout - When it was first released my KD was about 50/50 which even then I was happy with but the script is now flawless and well worth the $0.18 - 250 KC, no ban using default breaks.
<3 <3 <3
Absolute 10/10 from Cuppa. I'm on a maxed account and high range pc so can't speak for those kind of issues but except for a few small user mistakes this script runs completely flawlessly and is actually a pleasure to watch do its work. Cuppa also provides some of the best customer service I have experienced in any community like this and I couldn't recommend his services more.
<3 <3 <3 <3
Another incredible bot from the legend himself. This guy is the real deal.
Amazing bot, amazing author. Got enhanced weapon seed after 26 KC, legit speechless. 5/5 anyday of the week.

big gratz! :)
Bot worked excellent. Died a few times on setup but eventually went many kills in a row without another death.
peepo <3
As usual, i never listen to warnings, play on 117 HD fullscreen, i lag regularly and my stats are terrible. this bot still gets me 15+ kills to every death. it's never died with full food, only when it cannot find enough, so its not even the bots fault.
200 KC, Three days, 18 hours a say straight, little breaks, all functions enabled, 3 armour seeds, 1 enhanced, very good bot. taking a break now, ty
600 up do i need to say anymore

this bot if perfect a few changes to your own setting and your off making bank

this is a long term investment dont think you gonna come back to 200m per24 hours
this is an insanely good script, Cuppa produces some of the best scripts on this platform,. Period.
Whatever Cuppa did to this bot in the most recent update fixed all the issues I've been experiencing. Ran it for 6 hours and went 23-3. The bot seems to be a lot more responsive and human like. Less errors and overall a lot better than the previous version. Even though the price increased, I will continue to use this bot to save me from hell (Corrupted Gauntlet). Thanks Cuppa!
<3 <3 <3
Seeing the progress from the beginning to now has been amazing, great bot by a great bot author! Proper nice guy too, keep it up!
<3 <3 <3