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AIO Farming updated to v2.0.0.
AIO Farming updated to v1.3.10.
AIO Farming updated to v1.3.9.
AIO Farming updated to v1.3.8.
- Filter Farming Guild leprechauns by farming level
- Added custom pathing for a few spell traversals to eliminate the need to rely on webwalking
AIO Farming updated to v1.3.7.
AIO Farming updated to v1.3.6.
- Add Teleport runes option for varlamore patch
- Fixes bug with banking and not seeing subsequent seeds
- Added failsafe for when bank is full - bot will now stop instead of spamming deposit
- Fixes Morytania traversal taking fairy rings instead of ectophial
- Will now withdrawal preplant seeds while banking for contract seeds
- Will now walk to farmer if the farmer is not on screen during preplanting phase
AIO Farming updated to v1.3.5.
- Bot will no longer stop if a farming contract cant be completed
- Bot will skip contracts that seed that are missing
- Fix bug that was causing character to be stuck while trying to remove tree.
- Add compost making when contracts are enabled
AIO Farming updated to v1.3.4.
- There is now an option in misc that you'll need to enable if you want to use Bottomless bucket
AIO Farming updated to v1.3.3.
- Attempt to add max cape teleports
- Fix issues where banking was looping during contracts
- fix issues when making ultra compost
- fix noting items logic
AIO Farming updated to v1.3.2.
- Fixed issues where compost was being deposited / withdrawn in a loop
- Fixed duel ring item banking issues when contracts were enabled