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AIO Farming updated to v3.4.5.
AIO Farming updated to v3.4.4.
AIO Farming updated to v3.4.3.
AIO Farming updated to v3.4.1.
AIO Farming updated to v3.4.0.

- Completely migrated to new **PathFinder** usage for path generation
- What does this mean for you?
- Faster more reliable path generation :bullettrain_front:
- Optimized new paths to **Ardougne**, **Varlamore**, **Fossil Island Hardwoods**, **Seaweed**, **Grapes** & More! :bubbles:
- New traversal methods to **Seaweed** + **Hardwoods** using Ring of Elements :wood:
- New traversal methods to **Grapes** using Fairy rings via Ardy cape :grapes:
- Ability to use the **Queztals** to the **Varlamore** herb patches :feather:
- Ability to use the **Taverley** tree shortcut when walking from Falador :evergreen_tree:
- Seaweed traversal is now 50% faster using the south boat directly to the island :island:
AIO Farming updated to v3.3.10.
AIO Farming updated to v3.3.9.
AIO Farming updated to v3.3.8.
AIO Farming updated to v3.3.7.
- fix issue with depositing