hey can I please have a refund I lost 8 hours I left my account on while I went to work and I came back and my account was logged in between the bank and nmz this happen twice already
Dear Party, i’ve got a message from the pest control bot. “Due te new update of osrs its not shure that the bot wil work properley”. When does the bot get a update?
Hey Party, i've lost around 6-7 hours yesterday from being incorrectly charged due to internet connectivity, is there any way i can be refunded? Thanks Mate!
I was wondering something about your pest control Bot script,
Is It possible to update It so you can also repair barriers?
Repair barriers Is very active for low levling players from 40-50. Specially If you dont have attack level like a "obby mauler" for an example.
Please post back and let me know, Id use it everyday If you could make that possible!
Just lost 3-4 hours trying to start the bot...It's worked fine for tens of hours but today it just wants to say NoSuchMEthod or something... Same settings as always. Tried restarting all clients, still wants to say error thanks for using. Any chance for a refund?
I've now had to STOP + START it over 6 times and I've just lost a lot of my balance. I want this refunding please? And when can this bot be expected to be as normal ? as it truly is fucked right now (no offense)..
Hi mate, whatever update you've made to Pest control, it's fucked.. I've been using past 3 days fine with minor, tiny problems, but now it's unusable..??
kind of disappointed with this bot, paying for it and it can hardly get me pts on pc, stands around way too much and i always get a lack of participation so i get no pts... why am i paying to use it if it doesnt do its job
idk where i can send you a pm, but i have used this bot twice now and it keeps saying after 2 weeks that i still have used my 7 hours allowance per week? could you please fix it ? it is a really good bot
Nmz bot keeps stopping after 50 mins saying there’s an issue with the location or somthing like that could you please fix this it’s been working fine until about a week ago I’ve changed nothing on my end with the set up etc