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  1. party

    Request Please Fix Hourly Charging to Occur After the Next Hour Begins

    The client and server can be desynced by a few seconds - if you are really trying to mix-max your usage just stop it a minute before.
  2. party


    thanks i didn't notice
  3. party

    OSRS 2004scape

    for what
  4. party

    AIO Farming

    It broke after the RuneMate update last night - he just needs to pop on and update it, won't be long :)
  5. party

    Resolved Botting Hours bugged out

    It's literally just the number of hours you have botted in the last 30 days.
  6. party

    Question Bot search in client?

    Use the big search bar
  7. party

    Development Toolkit

    party updated Development Toolkit with a new update entry: Development Toolkit v2.6.0 Released! Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. party

    Development Toolkit - Development Toolkit v2.6.0 Released!

    Development Toolkit updated to v2.6.0.
  9. party

    Development Toolkit

    party updated Development Toolkit with a new update entry: Development Toolkit v2.5.7 Released! Read the rest of this update entry...
  10. party

    Development Toolkit - Development Toolkit v2.5.7 Released!

    Development Toolkit updated to v2.5.7.
  11. party

    Development Toolkit

    party updated Development Toolkit with a new update entry: Development Toolkit v2.5.6 Released! Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. party

    Development Toolkit - Development Toolkit v2.5.6 Released!

    Development Toolkit updated to v2.5.6.
  13. party

    missing credits

    Yeah from Jan 10th is definitely longer than acceptable. I'll pass the info along. Have you sent him the transaction ID? Also probably worth sending an email to the address provided in the receipt you will have received from Paypal, I believe it's [email protected].
  14. party

    missing credits

    When did you purchase them?
  15. party

    Bug how to launch dreambot with jagex launcher

    Why would you ask for help on how to use DreamBot on the RuneMate website...? Assuming that was a mistake, you can use RuneMate with the Jagex Launcher, just follow this guide: https://runemate.gitbook.io/runemate-documentation/support/using-runelite