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  • How do I get the MaxiFisher To bank lobsters @ the deposit box when fishing at karamja in 07.
    Expected when the inv would get full it would walk to the boat go to the port and deposit the lobs, Instead it just drops them.
    I only have a powerfishing option,draynor,& barb village. Says your bot supports banking but is that only for rs3? New here so i'm not as familiar with most of the bots as some of the veterans here.
    It supports what it says it supports. Banking on karamja only works with noting via stiles right now. As he's only on rs3 banking isn't supported on osrs. It will be when i rewrite it.
    Alright Sweet! Cant wait for it. :) Also I love your fishing bot so far btw, It's a lot smoother compared to a lot of other fishing bots from different sites, Keep writing those scripts man.
    MaxiWoodcutter doesn't seem to bank properly. Once the inventory is full it just stops and doesnt walk to the bank anymore. However if i manually go to the bank and open it up. The bot will put the logs in the bank and start walking back to the cutting area. Unfortunately once inventory becomes full again it stop.
    Currently rewriting it. What is the status when it gets stuck?
    Maxiwoodcutter just loads. could you help with this problem?
    As i said when i deleted your review. Post on the thread. And use the bug report format on the overview page.
    MaxiCooker now supports RS3!
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    Reactions: Wet Rag
    In the near future, yes. The current plan is to wait for the client to be fixed so that i can finish debugging some speed issues between actions. Then after i'm satisfied and have no bad feedback i'll release MaxiCooker PRO. At which point i'll work on rewriting MaxiWoodcutter, addressing the recent bug reports and then release MaxiWoodcutter LITE and PRO.
    I'll probably rewrite and release a few more LITE/PRO bots before adding new features to the existing ones.
    wet rag
    wet rag
    sounds good and well thought out
    The issues with MaxiCooker continually using food on the range has been fixed!
    Fixed a potential issue for users of MaxiLITE bots where the table wouldn't have a row in it and you couldn't add one.
    MaxiFletcher, MaxiCooker and MaxiWoodcutter have now been fixed
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    Reactions: Djoels
    Including the Ivy spamclick on MaxiWoodcutter?
    ? This was regarding an issue i introduced yesterday causing them all to crash on start.
    MaxiFletcher has now been split into LITE/PRO versions. More pro features will be added soon!
    it wont let me use the lite version any ideas? it wont let me pick what bow or such not
    Is there a way you could make a plank maker bot for OSRS I would love that and manny other ppl aswell i think
    Thx annyways!
    Rewriting my old bots. That wouldn't be high on the priority list but MaxiPlankmaker will definitely support both games when i rewrite it.
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    Reactions: Gie007
    Can you msg me or comment on this when you fixed it?
    thx bro
    The make x/all issue is fixed in the todays update. Please let me know ihow it goes for those of you that were experiencing the issue.
    Maxifletcher currently will not select the correct function when selecting logs. It'll click use knife with log, then nothing for the next step, I think it does not have the correct placement set for where the Longbow section is. If i manually click Make X amount, it'll type and amount and then continue on. Then get stuck again at the same part.
    Already discussed in depth in the discussion thread. That is the only place you should be posting bugs. Now please go there and follow my instructions which are to get your log file and post it on the thread so i can debug the issue.
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    Reactions: Ryab
    Okay, thank you, new to the site, sorry.
    MaxiFletcher is now working again since being broken by the latest runemate update. (No more IllegalAccessErrors)
    In services, My last 30 days show i used 161 hours and it won't let me use runemate because i apparantly used 200 hours? yet it shows 161 hours used in last 30 days
    Talk to arbiter, not me.
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