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  • Is there a possibility for you to make a black chinchompa throwing bot, for 99 rng
    I have legit told this bot to 4 of my friends and all of them are using it now as we speak, any ways to get this for free for helping you, getting more customers? Zulrah BOT.
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    Reactions: kub
    just got banned @ 90 hunter. any possible way for a bit ofa refund/?
    Bans are in no way reason for a refund. If the bot was clearly bugged out, sure. But even then, all refunds are at the authors discretion.
    Used the bot a few months back, for what ever reason its alot more responsive and reactive then when i first used it.
    Wanted to give you some positive feedback the bot has improved ten fold since the last time i used it. I am talking about the zulrah bot. It is so human like now and also its doing zulrah several times with one invy. I changed my settings to your recommendation and its improved my experience greatly. Keep up the great work.
    feel free to message me guys if you have questions i will answer what i can about zulrah
    Did he pay you to say this?
    3 years later no he didn't just wanted to share
    Just ran the script in full void wearing toxic blowpipe it said that toxic blowpipe was not supported. I then tried it again with trident staff and it said the same thing, that it was not supported?
    Issues with bot walking into poison clouds during some stages, he survives and eats through it so its not big deal, would just like this fixed in future if possible.
    its basically how humans are sometimes
    Pt 2 of my comment: It has issues too sometimes with walking into poison clouds and stuff too but that stuff is whatever as long as it can get back after dying.
    Hey bro, can you fix up the death walk for Prime Zulrah. It really only has issues with getting back to zulrah after dying. It often stands at CW after teleporting there and not banking, and if CW tele is on CD, it sometimes doesn’t go bank to grab tele. Fix these two main issues and this bot would be solid.
    Hello, been using Prime NMZ working perfectly. I'm currently stuck on building logic tree. Do you know anything about it?/ Is it due to a runescape update?
    most likely, Party is the author though, not me
    Hi mate,
    Been using Prime Zulrah for the past month and its been perfect. Runescape has just been updated and it wont load in the Magic and Ranged setups I want to use to kill Zulrah. Do you know what the problem is?
    runemate probably needs an update
    i have an issue, where as it dies it does not teleport back to a spot to bank. Then sometimes, it teles to zulrah using its tele and after that immediately teleporting to clanwars again.. Wasting all the teleports.. Whats the deal with these flaws? Then another question.. Is it possible to run 2 zulrah accounts on 1 computer or will rs flag it instantly? Hope for a response Defeated you are appreciated!
    would you look into the prime zulrah getting stuck depositing items to bank? works flawlessly otherwise, ive got logs if you need em just message me
    Hey man, absolutely love the Zulrah bot. I just have a niche question: What does the bot do in the extremely rare chance you get a pet? Would it pick it up and bank it like any other drop? Thanks.
    I tried a personal message, no response. I tried to activate the bot for 5-6 times, without it doing anything it did charge the money for it.
    Now i lose 5-6 hours of botting, could i get this refunded.. ?
    I think somethings up with the prime hunter paid bot, takes so long to check boxes that the boxes fall down with chins in them, It’s not the internet , it’s not the computer , I’ve changed all the settings on RM to lower the details and it still happens , I’ve swapped to regal hunter to see if the same thing was happening and it’s not , do you have any other ideas?
    Must be something on your end because i have been running the same bot for the past few days without hiccups.
    Hey man, would it be possible to completely turn off world hopping when black chins, I rarely get crashed in 1750 total worlds but when bot hops to mass world it gets pretty bad, love the bot dude :)
    yes you can in the settings?
    I have a claim several days ago I tried to use Prime Zulrah for the first time and I did not do anything. I spent $ 1.20 and still never achieved anything but I think it is unfair to consume RM because it would be a bad expense I demand a response
    Hey man I ran your Zul rah script and it works really well sometimes. Others I get a rushed tp out without eating or anything and the bot stops. Ive ran your bot like 5 times trying to fix it and sometimes it works and other times it doesn't. Kinda annoying since there is no grace period anymore and the bot auto stops when something isn't working.
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