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  • Hello, I tried to start Prime Zulrah 800 times and it didn't work can I please have my $192 back? thank you!
    The bot just logs out and then stops i got charged for 3 hours because i got into position pressed start and it straight up just logs me out and stops?????
    i figured out the problem, my hunter traps were already on the ground and when the bot first logged out it probably switched worlds so my traps were gone
    You have wasted your chances at getting any help, thanks for the money, good luck making RuneMate do anything about this
    Hello, I tried to start Prime Zulrah 800 times and it didn't work can I please have my $192 back? thank you!
    Hey, I ran your script for 1 hour. I tried making adjustments but the bot fails to get a kill every time. I have 70 def 86 range, 86 magic, 83 hp with barrows gear, fury etc.. there shouldn't be any reason my account should continually die or take so much damage it doesn't have enough food to make a kill " using sharks, anti dote+, 2 prayer pots, 1 range pot". could you look into this please
    There's people getting kills with mystics and 75 ranged/magic. I'm going to need more details in order to help you.
    Do you have team viewer otherwise I could livestream
    SUMMER SALE! Prime Zulrah 1 cent off for every degree celsius on your thermometer!
    Prime Zulrah 50% OFF (Summer Sale)
    In the bot store it still says $0.24c an hour is this a bug or hasn't been updated yet? Also god bless, this bot is the best I've ever used!
    $0.24 is the 50% discount.
    hey defeat3d plz man do zolrah bot iam getting annoyed plz man i am begging
    Hey, zulrah bot is AMAZING i love it, i was thinking if you could make a vorkath one too? since vorkath makes more gp/hr and i feel like its an easier boss, i would 100% use it. Only bad thing about the bot is i got charged for 3 hours within 20 mins when trying to set it up idk?? Don't want a refund just giving feedback other than that im loving it. Good shit bro :)
    Any idea why it doesnt attack using range? switches to range gear and just stands there until phase is over
    No clue. What is your equipment setup?
    Yeah i get that too, usually it works but every now and then my char would just sit there and wait till phase is over, not too bothered tho as it only wastes about 5 secs. using blowpipe with blessed d hide
    Hey man, I had to restart the bot 3 times before it started working. Could you refund me for that please?
    One of the times it just kept teleporting to zulrah shrine and back to clan wars over and over.
    The first time I started it up it didn't even move.
    Also when it went into zulrah, the first run was perfect but then when it came back it wouldn't attack zulrah for some reason but do all the prayer flicking and eat so I had to stop it again .
    Hope that's useful.
    Also what are the recommended screen settings for the bot?
    PM me logs for those sessions. I personally use the fixed mode.
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