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  • Any way you can make it so the bot just sits behind pillars on whisperer awakened variant? It goes for an attack every time and gets hit and loses all sanity and i have to tele out.
    hey man can u look into this i only used for 3 hours and 1 hour but got charged 80 cents for 3 hours

    You sent $0.20 to RuneMate
    [Running] God Wars Mate - $0.20 x 1 hour

    1 minute ago
    You sent $0.80 to RuneMate
    God Wars Mate - $0.20 x 4 hours

    Today at 2:41 AM
    Hey boss, I lost .30 after update trying to run Leviathan mate (which works perfectly by the way, 5/5 stars) is there any way I could get that back? It'll be going back to you anyways but was just wondering. Thanks in advance and thanks for all the great bots
    The GWD Mate Bot is almost perfect. Just need to make it pray Ranged earlier against Armadyl and it'll be perfect. Thank you for updating it!
    Hey. can i get refund for 2hour? bot just keep crashing havent got any kc, had to turn of manualy before ban. he strugle to take rune out of bank, he take all he deposit all he take all he deposit all.. :D
    Maybe send some logs in PM so he can check to see what the issue was? IDK that might be more helpful then requesting what you did.
    Fuck this bot sucks so hard now, legit doesn’t do fuck all at Bandos but goes in tanks it’s hit and when it gets into bowfa method just eats Bandos special without flicking or moving just sits next to altar like a fucking spastic
    zammy gwd doesnt work well keeps miss clicking the 4tic bowfa spots- got sara and bandos going perfectly tho
    bro the whisperes bot is missing prayer and it dies after 2kc atempt can u pls fix this it was working fine 10hrs ago
    Last Update: Oct 18, 2023

    If the bot hasn't been updated in a month but has suddenly broken in 10 hours, it's a problem on your end.
    i think so too but the thing is i havent changed anyting or turnd on or off plugins. what do u think is the problem? thnks for ur time
    Is there some new update that came out?

    The bot will now get like 1 kill maybe 2 and then teleport out despite having inventory full of supplies.
    not sure what happened but when running your godwars bot i got charged 6 times in 30mins. also not sure why but the bot is getting stuck on getting kc.
    i mean i have a screen shot of it charging me 6 times. lol but thanks for the useful comment
    I am trying to do awakened whisperer, I know in your bot you say "limitations after killing the awakened variant the bot will stop" the problem is I've tried to even get a single kill but the bot gets stuck on "teleporting to POH" and I've had to stop it three. Possible refund pls?
    hello Wait I m trying to use this bot tick with bowfa on bandos I set my inventory like you have shown with blowpipe, food, teles and b2p. The bot gets Kc then walks into room and dies instantly after, The bot just shuts down. I gave it 3 attempts can, I please have refund for the bot just stopping
    it keeps saying turn off spell book filtering, but i dont have any filtering set up when trying to run arma gwd
    I would like a refund for the 9 hours I have just used this bot. This is the second time I have attempted to use this bot recently and it has DROPPED my elidinis ward AGAIN.

    Because it did not then have the correct gear it walked back and forth prayer flicking all night.

    I do not run an entry menu plugin when using bots so that's not the issue.
    ive done 400 kc on the whisper and id say it did "perfect kills" for 75% of them and now all of a sudden it started taking mega damage and is not pray flicking in time or just not avoiding special attacks and is not getting any "perfect kills" throughout my sessions
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