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  • VisualRM public repo updated Lava runes, astral runes Blood runes and ZMI Runecrafting bots. The repo contains 40 bots now: www.visualrm.com
    I did not know you even had a website for your bot. Nice!
    Hi, im trying to make a bot with VisualRM but im not sure how i can get the bot to go to the exact location i want it to go. Im trying to make a Mining bot in Al kharim
    use the Traversal node. Also look at the existing bots to see how they do certain stuff, or join us on slack or on www.visualrm.com
    hello, tyb51. just recently the bot stopped running north to the shortcut that leads to shilo village. i didnt know if i had a different setting ticked off or somthing. because it was working fine about a week ago. like once it goes to karamja it wont go anywhere. unless if i helped it a bit go north then it will contunue to go.
    wet rag
    wet rag
    Hey mate, i informed him, hopefully he will be able to add a failsafe soon !
    Yeah I've been a bit busy with visualRm, i will look at it over the weekend
    VisualRM is almost at a 1000 users!! Have you checked it out yourself? Experience our nr 1 AIO Rooftop bot and much more in the in-bot repo.
    Hey Tyb51 I made a easy combat bot for killing lvl 42 Moss Giants in Varrock sewers and would like to share it, it also loots a few seeds that may drop that are worth some GP and supports food.
    I'm having troubles changing the variables names of stuff. For instance when I was using the falconry script it was catching spotted kebbits. I got the level to catch dark kebbits. So i changed all the variable names where it said spooted kebbits to dark kebbits and then the bot just stopped working.
    Look at my post on the forums :)
    Hello! It's me again, I have 2 queries. Firstly, is it possible to install a "stop in ' ' hours ' ' minutes" Kind of thing? And secondly when will the tutorial come out? I've only been studying IT for a few months now so this is still quite confusing to me
    Since last update you can add a timer node. Select After X seconds of runtime (and assign the amount seconds (or hours*60*60)). You can place this in the beginning after the start node and use the success output to pause the bot. Tutorials are not quite there yet, join us on the RuneMate Slack -> #VisualRM channel
    We have reached over 20 bots in the VisualRM repository. From easy powerchoppers to Runecrafters and thieving bots. Freely available for you
    Thank you so much for making this bot, I dont have a means to buy scripts and all the free scripts really suck, so this really changed my botting ways. I hope you are doing great
    wet rag
    wet rag
    Glad you enjoy, if you have any suggestions please post on the thread!
    VisualRM has several new bots at your disposal. An AIO Portables and Fishing frenzy bot for RS3 and a new Hosidius thiever for OSRS
    VisualRm: new OSRS bot release: Piscarillus sand worms (see front page for link)
    Updated VisualRM to beta 0.0.3. With tons of new features as checkpoints, bankwithdraw presets and for the OSRS fans a free Crab Killer bot.
    VisualRM, the newest and most advanced visual scripter for Runemate is now available for free (beta) on the bot store. (guides coming soon)
    Damn, didn't know you were the one behind the event bots and slayer bot. Really high class bot author :O
    Users of AtlasSlayer can now get their own forum signatures. (See my signature for more information)
    Look neat. A suggestion is to add "," at Tasks, Slayer XP and Earned GP. Kinda will be hard to read when you get over certain amount. Example; 1,153,844 XP instead of 1153844 XP.
    Yeah was just a quick test :)... Still trying to figure stuff out
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