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  • Sup buddy. Do your visualRM also works on rs3?
    It works from the days RS3 was supported by runemate. As long as runemate doesn't revive RS3 support, VRM won't work!
    Came back after a long hiatus from osrs, surprised to see you still updating VisualRM. Wonderful bot <3
    Damn the new 64bit update makes VisualRM even better. Massive project now possible without crashes
    I'm up to make some VisualRM videotutorials. What features are you interested in learning?
    Having tried to figure this out myself I think the best approach would be module focused on smaller parts to make a larger bot. So for example how to do navigation, interaction, banking and slowly build up complexity. Another option is building a few tutorials of increasing complex bots.
    How to max in 1 week
    a tutorial showing how to traverse would be amazing like running to the bank thats not in screen view and back to where you was cutting wood/hunting or whatever
    Visualrm has a really tought time clicking on anvils, since the game object is quite small the bot has a really tough time being confident in the click, it often hovers the space around the anvil.
    Also can we have a fixed camera mode, that will disable the camera from moving and/or reset camera position to a specific angle give or take some degree?
    Finally I would love a way for the bot to work in instanced areas. Since instanced areas have their coords change, simply getting the coords won't work with how its implemented now.
    Also could there be a way to enable using Esc to close the bank interface, the less movement and clicks the better.
    This has already been solved by using a bank interface action node and using the close option and forcing keybind.
    Can you shed some light, sometimes when I start visualrm it shows a timer which I find useful so i know when I'm entering a new hour but other times the timer isn't there. It might be only for the dev visualrm but could you add this to the bot visualrm so I know when im about to be charged.
    VisualRM appears to keep having issues launching on the botstore... I'm inclined to revert all changes to the previous working version.
    The latest update for VisualRm has a bug causing it to crash on startup. A fix is already in queue. Just waiting for an admin to push.
    The update has been pushed.
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    Reactions: tyb51
    Check out the new Atlas Kourend Library bot available on the botstore. Ez Arceuus favour or amazing and free magic or runecrafting xp
    Atlas. I use your bots all the time. Most of the are 110% perfect. Your mlm lite bot has an issue where when you go to deposit into the bank, it repeatedly clicks the magnifying glass, instead of the backpack to deposit all. Please look into this when you can and let me know when its fixed!
    Any chance you could give a small update to the herbiboar bot? Just so it's running, not necessarily at maximum efficiency.
    tu idea me parece muy interesante, solo me gustaría saber como lograste crear esa interface, visualrm si tuenes agun material que puedas compartir o recurso de como hacer algo paresido te lo agradeseria
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